How much LP do you get for each rank in League of Legends?

As a passionate League gamer and content creator, I want to provide the most up-to-date and insightful information on how the League ranking system works. Here‘s a deep dive into how much LP you gain and lose at each rank.

LP System Basics

The LP system determines your rank and skill level in League. You gain LP for wins and lose LP for losses, with promo series at 100 LP to advance divisions. But LP gains and losses are also affected by your hidden MMR (matchmaking rating).

Those with higher MMR relative to their rank will gain more and lose less LP per match. It‘s the system‘s way of accelerating you to where it thinks your skill level deserves to be.

Average LP Gains By Rank

(Table showing average LP per win/loss at each rank)

As shown in the table, LP gains gradually decrease as you climb while LP losses stay relatively stable. This keeps advancement competitive at higher elos.

Iron Through Gold Ranks

For the early ranks like Iron through Gold, LP swings are bigger per game. Iron players can gain up to 22 LP per win if they‘re outpacing their MMR expectations.

These early ranks focus less on grind and more on evaluating your skill quickly. With 100 LP needed to promo up divisions, players in these ranks can actually advance quite fast with win streaks.

I‘d estimate an Iron player with good MMR could reach Gold within their first 100-200 games potentially. Of course this depends heavily on their win rates through each division.

Platinum and Diamond

Reaching the Platinum and Diamond tiers is when the grind starts to become more real. The LP gains per win drop to 15-13 LP now, meaning it takes 7-8 wins in a row to reach a division promo series.

Riot‘s rankings have determined players here are reasonably skilled now. So the system wants to verify your consistency before each further advancement up the ladder.

I‘d estimate a Platinum player would need 300-500 games played in the season to advance up to Diamond if they maintain a 55-60% win rate. Of course this varies based on MMR and performance.

Master, Grandmaster, Challenger Ranks

The highest tiers like Master, Grandmaster and Challenger switch over to a purely LP threshold system. There are no promo series now between divisions.

LP gains per win drop further to around 12-10 LP. Losses are typically 11-8 LP depending on MMR discrepancies. This grind is intended to make sure only the best of the best reach the top.

It takes exceptional skill and persistence to reach Challenger. Players here have essentially mastered League fundamentals and can compete with pros. Maintaining Challenger requires staying in the top 200 players on the regional ladder.

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