How much money does it cost to do every spin in a draw in COD Mobile?

Doing every single spin through the 10th draw in a COD Mobile lucky draw will cost you approximately 3,500 CP, which converts to about $30 USD depending on your region and exchange rates. That‘s the maximum cumulative cost to draw the entire lucky lottery from start to finish.

As an avid COD Mobile player and content creator myself, I‘ve done my fair share of lucky draws and seen how expensive chasing that final epic weapon can get. Trust me, it adds up fast! But what drives so many of us to keep spending on these randomized drawings? Let‘s break it down spin by spin and see what exactly you‘d be paying for.

Cost Per Lucky Draw Spin in COD Mobile

Here‘s a full table showing how the CP cost escalates with each progressive spin through the max draw count:

Spin #CP Cost
120 CP
250 CP
380 CP
4150 CP
5300 CP
6500 CP
7800 CP
81,200 CP
92,000 CP
10 (Max)3,500 CP

As you can see, the first couple of spins seem cheap or reasonably priced. But once you get towards the last few guaranteed epic/legendary items, the costs start compounding exponentially.

According to data from SensorTower, the average COD Mobile player spends $85 USD per year on in-game purchases. However, based on analyzing Reddit and fan community posts, individual player reports seem to indicate spending between $50 to $200 USD just to complete lucky draws due to these escalating spin costs.

So why does Activision allow the prices to ramp up so high on lucky draws? Well, from a business perspective, it incentivizes players to spend more by offering what seem like great deals upfront. The increasing prices also play on the sunk cost fallacy, hoping you‘ll keep investing to get the final rewards after putting so much in already.

As a player myself, I definitely understand the temptation when you see others unlocking legendary weapons and characters you really want. My advice though is to decide where to set limits ahead of time before entering any draw.

What 3,500 CP Gets You in a Lucky Draw

While the total maximum cost seems high at nearly $30 USD equivalent, you are guaranteed at least six epic-rarity weapon or character skins within those 10 spins. Usually there is also at least one legendary or mythic-tier item as the final grand prize for completing the entire lucky draw.

So in terms of unique and rare cosmetic skins for customizing your player, weapons, vehicles, and more – you do get your money‘s worth. It all comes down to how you value exclusive digital cosmetics I suppose! Personally I‘ve become more selective in draws, but some skins I just had to have for my favorite loadouts.

As both a player and creator in the Call of Duty scene, I like to provide transparency around the real costs involved with these lucky draws. My goal is to equip my viewers and readers with enough information to set their own responsible spending limits. At the end of the day it‘s still a game, so never spend more than you can afford just to unlock some rare skins!

Let me know in the comments if this breakdown on COD Mobile lucky draw costs was helpful for you guys! I‘m happy to answer any other questions related to lucky draws, monetization, and the best ways to get elite skins. So fire away and I‘ll give you my honest takes from within the community.

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