How Much Money Does Walmart Make Per Second, Minute, Hour, Day and Month in 2024?

Walmart‘s billion-dollar status is no secret. But when you break down the retail giant‘s massive revenues on a micro level, the figures are almost hard to fathom. Here‘s an in-depth look at how much money Walmart makes down to the second in 2024.

How Much Does Walmart Make Per Second?

  • In 2024, Walmart is projected to generate $650 billion in total revenue
  • Per second, that equates to over $20,600 in sales
  • With estimated net profit margins of 3.4%, Walmart earns around $700 in profit each second

To put Walmart‘s per-second earnings into perspective:

  • The average US household income is $87,864 annually. At Walmart‘s rate, it would only take 124 seconds for the company to earn that amount.

  • Walmart makes more per second than the average US worker earns in a whole hour ($27.16).

Time UnitWalmart Revenue
Per second$20,600
Per minute$1.24 million
Per hour$74.5 million
Per day$1.79 billion
Per month$53.7 billion
Per year$650 billion (projected)

Walmart‘s Revenue Per Minute

  • Per minute, Walmart rakes in $1.24 million in total sales
  • That works out to around $42,000 in profit per minute

To put Walmart‘s earnings per minute in context:

  • The starting salary for a Walmart associate is about $25,000 per year. The company makes that amount every 36 seconds.

How Much Money Does Walmart Make Per Hour?

  • In 2024, Walmart is expected to generate $74.5 million per hour in revenue

  • Its estimated profit per hour equals $2.5 million

  • For reference, the average US McDonald‘s restaurant earns $2.7 million per year. Walmart makes nearly that much every hour.

What Does Walmart Earn Per Day?

  • Walmart‘s projected daily revenue for 2024 is $1.79 billion
  • Its estimated daily profit is around $600 million

To understand just how much $1.79 billion per day is:

  • If Walmart was a country, it would have the 62nd highest GDP in the world based on its daily revenue. That‘s more than the actual GDP of countries like Sri Lanka, Angola, and Bulgaria.

Walmart‘s Monthly Revenue

  • With average daily revenue of $1.79 billion, Walmart‘s monthly sales work out to $53.7 billion
  • Monthly profit is conservatively estimated at $18 billion

For perspective, Walmart‘s monthly revenue exceeds:

  • The annual GDP of Kenya ($110 billion)

  • The market capitalization of Nike ($221 billion)

Walmart‘s Annual Earnings

  • Walmart‘s total revenue is forecast to surpass $650 billion in 2024
  • Net profit could top $22.5 billion this year

To put Walmart‘s immense scale in context:

  • Walmart‘s estimated 2023 revenue is greater than the GDP of Switzerland.

  • Walmart earns more in a year than the combined market caps of General Motors, FedEx, and Starbucks.

In summary, the speed at which Walmart generates revenue is simply staggering. The company earns over $20,000 per second, $1.2 million every minute, and over $74 million per hour. Walmart‘s size and operational efficiency enable it to deliver shareholder value at a pace unmatched in global business.

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