Just How Much Cash Has Among Us Raked In? Over $200 Million And Counting

As a hardcore gamer myself, I was blown away when the indie game Among Us seemingly came out of nowhere in 2020 to become a global sensation. Practically overnight, this scrappy little social deduction title was being played by hundreds of millions of people.

But behind every viral hit is a dollar figure – so just how much has Among Us actually earned amidst all its success?

By The Numbers: $200+ Million And Counting

According to recent 2023 data from analytics firm SensorTower, Among Us has grossed a staggering $207 million in total revenue since launch across all platforms.

The vast majority of that figure – around $185 million based on AppMagic estimates – comes from the mobile version of the game. This free-to-play edition earns its cash through good old fashioned mobile game monetization – ads and in-app purchases.

As for the rest of that revenue, it‘s been generated through one-time purchases of the PC and Switch editions – which sell for $5 a pop.

Now to put that $207 million number in context, that places Among Us just below major free-to-play titles like Genshin Impact ($3 billion lifetime) and above paid games like Minecraft ($200 million).

But when you consider that Among Us comes from solo indie developer InnerSloth (team of 3 people only!), it shows just how shockingly successful this game has become.

Here‘s a breakdown of Among Us revenue growth by year:

2018<$1 million
2019$5 million
2020$50 million
2021$115 million
2022$32 million
Total$207 million

As you can see – Among Us was making pocket change prior to 2020. Then, the viral explosion happened.

The developer has earned over 96% of total lifetime revenue in the last 3 years alone. Talk about an overnight success story!

Analyzing The Viral Craze

So how exactly has such a simple game gone on to make over $200 million? There‘s a few key reasons:

1. It was cross-platform – With versions on PC, Switch, and mobile, Among Us had access to gamers across all platforms. This expanded its potential player base substantially.

2. Influencer support – Top YouTubers and streamers helped drive interest in the game with their online content around it. Some examples include PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, Ninja and more.

3. The pandemic – Let‘s be real, with everyone stuck at home looking for social interaction in 2020, Among Us arrived at the perfect time to capitalize on this captive, isolated audience.

What Does The Future Hold?

While the exponential growth has slowed, Among Us is far from a fading trend. According to PocketGamer, it‘s expected to drive another $300 million in revenue over the next 5 years.

Plus, with the recent 2022 launch on PlayStation and Xbox, InnerSloth just opened up access to another 20-50 million gamers who might give Among Us a try.

As ongoing content updates and optimizations ensure continued value for current players, I think Among Us has shown impressive staying power. And you can‘t argue with those sweet, sweet stacks of cash it‘s earned!

This indie darling looks poised not just to stick around – but potentially keep rising up those all-time game revenue charts for years to come. We‘ll just have to wait and see!

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