It will cost around $440 USD to buy 500 Apex packs

As an avid Apex Legends player and content creator, I often get asked – just how much money do you need to spend to get guaranteed heirlooms in Apex Legends? Well, let‘s take a closer look…

Apex Pack and Apex Coin Pricing

First, some background on how Apex packs and coins are priced in the game:

  • Each Apex pack contains a random assortment of cosmetic items and costs 100 Apex coins
  • 100 Apex coins costs approximately $1 USD
  • So an individual Apex pack costs around $1

However, it‘s almost always cheaper to buy Apex coins in bundles:

Apex Coin BundlePrice (USD)
11,500 coins$100
6,700 coins$60
4,350 coins (+350 bonus)$40
2,150 coins (+150 bonus)$20

As you can see, the larger bundles offer more coins for less money per coin.

So if you want to buy 500 Apex packs, you‘d need 50,000 Apex coins. The cheapest way to acquire that many coins would be:

  • Four 11,500 coin bundles = 46,000 coins ($400)
  • One 4,350 coin bundle = 4,350 coins ($40)

That‘s a grand total of $440 USD! Not cheap, but guaranteed to get you something special…an heirloom set.

Unlocking Heirlooms: Apex‘s Prestigious Cosmetics

Heirlooms are ultra prestigious cosmetic items in Apex Legends. Each heirloom set is themed around one specific legend and contains a melee weapon skin, intro quip, and other cosmetics.

Owning a heirloom set is a huge flex and status symbol. But they are extremely rare…unless you‘re willing to fork out some cash.

You see, every 500 Apex packs is guaranteed to give you heirloom shards, which can be redeemed for the heirloom of your choice. So buying 500 packs ensures you‘ll unlock heirlooms.

Heirloom Shard Drop Rates

According to data-miners, the drop rate for heirloom shards is less than 1% per pack. Specifically:

  • Normal Apex pack shard drop rate: <1%
  • Event Apex pack shard drop rate: ~7.4%

So if you just play normally, getting heirloom shards takes incredible luck and patience. Buying out a whole Collection Event can increase your odds, but is still not a sure thing.

That‘s why the only 100% way to get heirlooms is buying 500 standard packs. It‘s pricey, but you are guaranteed coveted heirloom shards.

Future Heirlooms & Pricing Speculation

Right now there are heirlooms for 9 different legends. We can expect more legends to get heirloom sets released periodically. We could see 2-4 new releases over 2023.

Each new heirloom set resets the pack counter for shards. So if you already have all current heirlooms, buying another 500 packs when a new one drops ensures you‘ll get it instantly.

Will heirloom shard rates or pack guarantees change over time? It‘s hard to say for sure. But even if prices increase somewhat, buying 500 packs will likely remain the only surefire way to get every new heirloom on release.

Conclusion: $440 for Instant Heirloom Satisfaction

While $440 is a lot for cosmetics, it does guarantee some of Apex‘s most prestigious status items. For serious players and collectors, buying 500 packs ensures you‘ll instantly unlock heirlooms, can flex on other players, and keep up with new heirloom releases over time.

Hope this breakdown helps explain what it takes to guarantee coveted Apex Legends heirlooms! Let me know if you have any other Apex item shop or cosmetic related questions.

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