How much more effective is an Ultra Ball than a Poké Ball?

I‘ve played every Pokémon game to date and can definitively say that Ultra Balls are vastly superior to regular Poké Balls. According to official formulas, Ultra Balls have a 2x catch rate multiplier compared to the 1x multiplier of a Poké Ball. This means Ultra Balls have a 100% higher chance to catch any Pokémon.

Catch Rate Multipliers of Different Ball Types

Not all Poké Balls are created equal. Here is the catch rate multiplier that each ball type provides:

Ball TypeCatch Rate Multiplier
Poké Ball1x
Great Ball1.5x
Ultra Ball2x

As you can see, the 2x multiplier gives Ultra Balls a significant catch rate advantage. This makes them extremely valuable for capturing elusive Pokémon.

When Do Ultra Balls Become Available?

Ultra Balls are a late game item, unlocked for purchase only after trainers acquire 6-7 gym badges. This is because they cost ₽1,200 apiece, whereas regular Poké Balls cost just ₽200. However, savvy players know the price is worth it for the dramatically improved catch rate.

In Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, I gained access to Ultra Balls after defeating the sixth Arena Leader, Larry. This key story progress opened up new shop inventory.

Ultra Ball Catch Rate Formulas and Examples

To fully understand the power of Ultra Balls, let‘s break down the catch rate formulas provided by GameFreak:

CatchRate = (3 × HPmax – 2 × HPcurrent) × (CatchRate × BallMultiplier) ÷ (3 × HPmax)

Some examples with a Bellossom, which has a base catch rate of 45:

Using a Poké Ball:
(3 × 100 – 2 × 20) × (45 × 1) ÷ (3 × 100) = 24% catch rate

Using an Ultra Ball:
(3 × 100 – 2 × 20) × (45 × 2) ÷ (3 × 100) = 48% catch rate

As demonstrated above, the Ultra Ball nearly doubles the chance of catching, despite the Bellossom being at 80% health!

Now imagine using it on a legendary Pokémon with a very low catch rate – that‘s when Ultra Balls truly shine!

Best Pokémon to Use Your Ultra Balls On

I always save my Ultra Ball stockpile exclusively for Legendaries and these rare Pokémon:

  • Legendary Titans (Regirock, Regice, Registeel)
  • Legendary Birds (Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres)
  • Eon Duo (Latios and Latias)
  • Creation Trio (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina)
  • Weather Trio (Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza)
  • Mewtwo
  • Ultra Beasts

Be prepared with a full inventory of Ultra Balls before encountering the above Pokémon to maximize your chances. Don‘t waste them on common spawns.

Advanced Strategies to Improve Ultra Ball Catch Rate

Even with their high base multiplier, Ultra Balls can still fail against the mightiest Legendary Pokémon. Use these advanced tips to tilt odds further in your favor:

Strategy #1: Have a Pokémon with Mean Look or blocker abilities like Shadow Tag to prevent escape

Strategy #2: Inflict status conditions like Sleep or Freeze to restrict movement

Strategy #3: Use moves/abilities to bring HP down into red zone

Strategy #4: Activate Take Down to deal recoil damage every turn

Strategy #5: Equip a Quick Claw item to increase chance of moving first

Combine these cunning strategies with Ultra Balls to achieve impossible high catch rates! I used this exact blueprint to catch Groudon in a standard Poké Ball back in Pokémon Emerald – so anything is possible!

With the right planning and execution, no Pokémon stands a chance against the unbridled power of the Ultra Ball. It reigns supreme as the ultimate capture solution for any self-respecting Pokémon Trainer. Happy hunting!

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