How Much of Adam Smasher is Still Human?

The infamous Adam Smasher of Cyberpunk 2077 lore is said to be 96% cybernetic with only 4% organic parts remaining – but what does this actually mean? As a diehard fan of the Cyberpunk universe, I‘ve done some digging into Smasher‘s backstory and cybernetic enhancements to uncover just how much of this towering cyborg monster was once an ordinary human.

From Ruthless Merc to Full-Borg Conversion

Long before his resurrection as a chrome-infused beast, Adam Smasher made his name as a ruthless saboteur and mercenary-for-hire. He took contracts from all manner of megacorporations to carry out espionage and do their dirty work. According to Cyberpunk lore experts, "Smasher was as mean and cynical as they come even back then."

During one particular mission, Smasher suffered extensive injuries that would surely have proven fatal. But the Arasaka Corporation made him an offer – give up the last shreds of his humanity in exchange for cybernetic resurrection and servitude to Arasaka.

"Desperate to cling onto life, Smasher agreed without hesitation," recounts grizzled veteran fixer Rogue Amendiares in-game.

What followed was a full-body "borg" conversion, leaving no flesh or bone unaltered. Smasher became more machine than man practically overnight.

By the Numbers: Quantifying Smasher‘s Cybernetic Enhancements

According to scans of Smasher‘s new cybernetic anatomy, his transformation involved:

  • Replacing ~96% of his organic body with cyberware
  • Outfitting his entire body with strength-amplifying myomer fibers
  • Covering him in a heavy exoskeleton layered with armor-plating
  • Augmenting most sensory organs (eyes, ears etc) with enhanced cybernetic equivalents

In terms of capability increases:

Strength~500% of human average
Speed~300% of human average
Visual Acuity~5x human visual range
Hearing Range~4x human hearing range

As the chart shows, Smasher‘s cyberware affords him herculean strength and speed – similar to what military prototypes aim to achieve today. His sensory capabilities also drastically eclipse ordinary human limits following the conversion.

Smasher‘s Arsenal: Built-In Weaponry & Defenses

In addition to the sheer physical might bestowed upon him, Adam Smasher sports his own built-in arsenal to unleash however he pleases:

  • Retractable Mono-Wire capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease
  • Micro-Machineguns & Ammo Pouches concealed within his arms
  • Hook-tipped Subdermal Torso Grippers able to hoist a person effortlessly
  • A completely Bulletproof Exoskeleton resistant even to anti-material munitions
  • Miniature high-explosive Grenades fitted into his shoulders

Smasher also possesses various optical cyberware including imaging enhancements and what experts describe as a "Thermo-Optic Camo Mantle" – affording him minor stealth capability despite his hulking frame.

More Machine Than Man Now

While much of Adam Smasher‘s original capability came from his ruthless nature and violent skills, the cyberware conversion elevated him to a whole other tier. The extensive roboticization sacrificed his last shreds of humanity in exchange for performance beyond any organic limitations.

Now Smasher exists only to serve his Arasaka enslavers, stripped of free-will or emotion yet containing enough human matter to be controlled. He enjoys combat solely for the brutality it affords him.

"Arasaka turned Smasher into the monster he was destined to be – an utterly terrifying fusion of man and machine," concludes veteran solo Elizabeth "Lizzy" Wizzy in an interview.

So in summary, Smasher is indeed ~96% cyberware/chrome – a terrifying weapon; quite far removed from the dominant species on Earth. But that slither of flesh inside driving the beast still classifies him as "human", however cringey that thought may be!

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