How Much of Baldur‘s Gate 3‘s Vast World Can You Explore Now?

As a passionate RPG fan and content creator, I‘ve been eagerly following Baldur‘s Gate 3‘s journey into Early Access. With about a year to go until its full launch on August 31, 2023, how much of this massive sequel can you dive into right now? Quite a bit it turns out!

A Full Act 1 That Delivers a Complete Narrative Arc

According to Larian Studios, the developers behind the Divinity series, Baldur‘s Gate 3‘s Early Access currently comprises the entirety of Act 1. This includes:

  • A lengthy opening tutorial section to familiarize yourself with gameplay systems
  • The bustling city hub of Baldur‘s Gate with numerous side quests
  • Your first steps into the wider fantasy world, unlocking new regions
  • A branching main questline with choices that impact the narrative
  • A climax and resolution that wraps up the first major story arc

So while Act 1 delivers a satisfying self-contained adventure, there are still 2 more Acts to come, likely adding a further 60+ hours.

Unlocking New Abilities with a Level Cap of 5

RPG fans love progression systems and growing stronger. Baldur‘s Gate 3‘s level cap determines how far your characters can progress before restrictions set in.

The latest Patch 9 update in December 2022 raised the Early Access level cap from 4 to 5. This lets you:

  • Experiment with more advanced subclass abilities
  • Access incredibly powerful 3rd level spells like Fireball
  • Boost core stats like Strength and Charisma higher
  • Take on greater challenges before the full launch

We can expect the level cap to increase further in future updates. In the final game, it should extend to around Level 10-12 based on classic D&D rules.

5 Origin Characters Plus Custom Options Spanning Several Classes

Baldur‘s Gate 3 Early Access currently includes these playable classes and subclasses:

  • Cleric: Life / Light / Trickery
  • Fighter: Eldritch Knight
  • Ranger: Hunter
  • Rogue: Arcane Trickster / Thief
  • Wizard

You can either pick from 5 pre-made Origin characters, each with deep backstories, or create your own custom hero.

In terms of races, you can currently play as Human, Elf, Dwarf, Githyanki or Vampire Spawn, with more like Halfling still to come.

So while not all content is accessible yet, Baldur‘s Gate 3 Early Access delivers over 20 hours of highly polished content to tide eager fans over until its hugely anticipated full launch on PC and consoles. Just don‘t have your party venture beyond the level 5 cap unless you want mindflayers embedding tadpoles into your eyes!

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