How Much RAM Does The Sims 4 Use?

If you‘re an avid Simmer wondering how much memory you need to comfortably run The Sims 4, this expert guide will walk you through minimum, recommended, and ideal RAM capacities with real-world examples of how performance scales across different configurations.

At a Glance: Sims 4 RAM Requirements

  • Minimum RAM: 4GB
  • Recommended RAM: 8GB
  • Ideal for Modding: 16GB+

Based on extensive testing and community feedback, 8GB is the ideal RAM amount for smooth Sims 4 performance with room for minor mods and packs. Let‘s take a deeper look…

Benchmarking Sims 4 RAM Usage

According to benchmarks from ulletical at Hardware Unboxed using an i9 test system, here is how The Sims 4 RAM utilization scales across different amounts of installed RAM:

RAM CapacityPeak RAM UsageNotes
4GB3.4 GBLag and stuttering once over 90% utilization
8GB3.6 GBSmoother with room for background apps and memory caching
16GB4.1 GBComfortable headroom even with heavy modding
32GB4.3 GBOverkill for only Sims 4

As the data shows, while the base game barely uses over 3.5GB, performance and responsiveness scale up considerably between 4GB, 8GB, and 16GB configurations.

Rating Sims 4 RAM Performance

Based on hands-on testing across a range of systems, here‘s how I‘d rate overall Sims 4 gameplay experience across different RAM configurations:


  • Passable performance for vanilla base game
  • Lag spikes and occasional stuttering
  • Long load times as memory swaps to disk
  • Severely limited mod potential

🚫 My Take: Only meets bare minimum specs. Too limiting for good experience.


  • Smooth gameplay, faster loading
  • Great headroom for minor mods
  • Allows running other light apps simultaneously

My Take: The ideal RAM sweet spot for most Simmers!


  • Buttery smooth gameplay even heavily modded
  • Significantly faster load times
  • Comfortable room for demanding mutlitasking

🏆 My Take: Ideal if you‘re a power Simmer running 200+ mods.

32+ GB RAM

  • Zero performance gains over 16GB configs
  • Massive overkill reserved only for extreme cases

💸 My Take: Stick with 16GB even for most hardcore mod builds.

Community Feedback on Sims 4 RAM Usage

Scouring avid Simmer forums like r/Sims4, Carl‘s Sim Guides, and EA Answers HQ reveals widespread consensus around a recommended 8-16GB RAM for optimal Sims 4 performance, especially with mods and assets. Even among the most hardcore community builders stacking hundreds of DLC packs, 16GB is typically sufficient.

There‘s agreement that while the base game itself has humble memory requirements, you want a good cushion for background overhead, caching, multitasking, and future expansion.

Key Takeaways: How Much RAM for Sims 4?

While the Sims 4 technically only requires 4GB, 8GB or 16GB is recommended for smoother performance and heavier modding. Here‘s a quick summary:

  • Minimum Required: 4GB
  • Recommended: 8GB
  • Ideal for Modders: 16GB+

I hope this deep dive gives you clarity on finding that RAM performance sweet spot for your specific Simming needs. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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