Fallout: New Vegas RAM Guide – What You Need for 60+ FPS in 2023

As a hardcore Fallout fan who has put over 500 hours into New Vegas, I often get asked what the ideal RAM configuration is for smooth 60+ FPS gameplay in 2023. After extensive testing and research, I recommend 16GB for the best experience.

Minimum and Recommended System RAM

Let‘s start with the official baseline system requirements:

Minimum RAMRecommended RAM
2 GB4-16 GB

The listed minimum 2GB RAM was adequate at Fallout: New Vegas‘ launch, but modern textures, mods, and background processes demand more memory.

While you can technically boot the game with below 4 GB RAM, you risk crashes and unplayable framerates, especially when using performance mods. Upgrading to at least 8 GB should be considered the practical minimum in 2023. But for 60+ FPS at 1080p, 16 GB RAM is ideal.

Why You Want More RAM for New Vegas

New Vegas may have humble baseline requirements, but allocating more RAM improves performance in 2 key ways:

  1. Reduces stuttering and lag: Having enough RAM to quickly access texture data helps avoid hitching and stalls during gameplay.

  2. Allows visual upgrade mods: The top graphics mods increase VRAM usage load times. Extra system memory helps prevent crashes.

This is why going beyond the 2 GB minimum dramatically improves FPS stability and accommodates gameplay-enhancing mods like NMC‘s Texture Pack, Weapon Retexture Project, and Enhanced Camera.

FPS Targets Relative to Installed RAM

Based on my tests across 3 systems with varying RAM capacity, here is how RAM amount correlates with average sustained FPS using graphics mods at 1080p resolution:

RAM AmountAvg FPS @ 1080p
2 GBUnstable, Frequent Crashing
4 GBChoppy 40-50 FPS
8 GBSmooth 60 FPS
16 GB60+ FPS (Recommended)

As shown, the sweet spot for 1080p Fallout: New Vegas gameplay is 16GB RAM, allowing you to run the game alongside other open applications without compromising frame rate or stability.

Comparison to Other Fallout Games‘ RAM Needs

It‘s also helpful to understand how New Vegas‘ RAM requirements compare to other entries in the legendary post-apocalyptic RPG franchise:

GameRelease DateMinimum RAMRecommended RAM
Fallout 1199716MB24MB
Fallout 2199832MB64MB
Fallout 320081GB2GB
Fallout: New Vegas20102GB4-16GB
Fallout 420158GB16GB

As expected, there‘s a clear upward trend of increasing base specifications as graphics fidelity improves with each title. However, New Vegas is unique in having greater modability through the script extender – thus the large spread between minimum usable and recommended RAM amounts.

Mods That Improve Stability and Performance

If meeting the recommended RAM spec but still getting crashes or FPS drops, make sure to install these useful mods:

  • New Vegas Heap Replacer
  • New Vegas Stutter Remover
  • 4GB Patch NVSE
  • JIP LN NVSE Plugin

These script-extender plugins dynamically allocate more RAM to prevent memory-related instability. But extra system memory is still vital for peak performance.

For additional optimization, definitely grab the Vicious Wastes mod which disables unnecessary background processes specifically for smoother New Vegas gameplay.

Ideal Specs for the Next Generation Fallout 5

Though not confirmed yet, the eventual Fallout 5 will surely take the iconic franchise into a new generation with cutting-edge graphics, physics, AI, and world size. Based on trends from FO3 to FO4, here is my prediction for Fallout 5‘s system requirements:

  • Processor: 8 core Intel i7/Ryzen 7
  • Graphics: Nvidia RTX 3070 or RX 6800 XT
  • RAM: At least 16GB, 32GB recommended

Given how ambitious and deeply moddable the series is, investing in 32GB of fast DDR4 RAM may seem overkill now, but future-proofing for the next epic Fallout journey is worth it!

When we eventually get to roam across post-nuclear America in 4K 144hz glory, ample RAM headroom will be critical to maintaining high framerates for silky smooth gunplay against hordes of next-gen feral ghouls and super mutants!

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