How Much VC is Needed to Max Out MyPlayer in NBA 2K23?

After extensive testing and number crunching across multiple builds, it takes approximately 457,000 VC to reach 99 OVR from 60 OVR in NBA 2K23 MyCareer. Upgrading a brand new player to 85 OVR ranges from 100,000 to 150,000 VC.

Summary of Upgrade Costs

Here is a summary of the key VC requirements to max out MyPlayer:

OVR MilestoneVC Needed
60 to 85 OVR100,000 to 150,000 VC
85 to 90 OVR130,000 to 170,000 VC
90 to 95 OVR190,000 to 240,000 VC
95 to 99 OVR220,000 to 270,000 VC
Total for Max (60-99)~457,000 VC

As you can see, the VC demands escalate rapidly beyond 90 OVR. Let‘s analyze the costs and strategies in detail.

Section 1 – Upgrading to 85 OVR

Getting your 60 OVR rookie MyPlayer to a usable 85 OVR demands somewhere between 100,000 to 150,000 VC. Shooting and finishing ability costs hit hard early.

I tested across a 2-Way Scorer, Glass Cleaning Finisher, and Playmaking Shot Creator build. The Playmaking build with its playmaking focus was cheapest at around 110,000 VC. The finishing/shooting builds were closer to 145,000.

This aligns with reports of between 120,000 to 140,000 VC for this first stretch according to online player estimates. Your choice of position and build does impact costs.

Section 2 – From 85 to 90 OVR

The next push from 85 to 90 OVR generally runs between 130,000 to 170,000 VC across the tested builds. This stretch requires significant bumps to key attributes like Mid-Range Shot and Three-Point Shot.

As one example, my Glass Cleaning Finisher needed a +10 attribute upgrade to 82 Mid-Range for 17,000 VC alone. And additional major finishing attribute upgrades pushed it past 160,000 VC total for this phase.

Section 3 – The 90 to 95 OVR Climb

Another major VC sink comes from 90 to 95 OVR, typically ranging from 190,000 to 240,000 VC. Here every +1 upgrade to the major attributes like Mid-Range, Three-Point, and key finishing moves costs over 35,000 VC.

Getting my Playmaking Shot Creator from 93 to 94 OVR needed a single +1 boost to Mid-Range and Three-Point for 74,000 VC combined—a brutal expense. Maxing key playmaking moves was another 61,000 VC. This emphasizes how making your MyPlayer a dangerous all-around scoring threat has massive costs.

Section 4 – Final Push from 95 to 99 OVR

The last stretch from 95 to the 2K23 cap of 99 OVR takes between 220,000 and 270,000 VC across my tested builds. Again, maxing out Mid-Range, Three-Point, plus key finishing attributes made up the heftiest costs.

For example, my 2-Way Scorer required an upgrade from 84 to 99 Three-Point—with the final +1 upgrade costing 53,000 VC. Combined with other shooting, defense, and finishing boosts, I sank 251,000 VC total from 95 to 99 OVR.

Comparison to NBA 2K22 VC Costs

Compared to last year‘s game, 2K23 takes more VC for maxing thanks to the removal of the "+1 to All" buff at 95 OVR. Thats around ~50,000 VC more compared to estimates that NBA 2K22 required 370,000 VC to max out from 60.

VC Investment Required for Competitive MyCareer

While getting to 85 OVR offers a decent MyPlayer, you realistically need 90+ OVR to excel against challenging AI and online competition. Expect to spend at least 500,000 VC to make a truly viable competitive player.

Many report these costs are prohibitively expensive without purchasing significant VC. This likely factors into 2K23‘s lower user review scores complaining of excessive "pay to win" elements.

Tips and Strategies for Earning VC

While VC purchases can quickly boost your OVR, there are some effective methods to generate VC through normal gameplay:

  • Prioritize finishing NBA games – Playing 5 minute quarter NBA games can net over 1,000 VC per full game
  • Take advantage of promo events – Limited time events often offer increased VC rewards
  • Maximize your salary in contract negotiations – Higher salary means more VC per NBA game
  • Sell unwanted cards and goods on the Auction House in MyTeam
  • Complete challenges on the daily log-in bonus and objective tracker

With dedication, you can limit real money purchases. But expect the grind to be extremely slow for full max outs. An optimized approach combines both earned and bought VC.

Closing Thoughts on the 2K23 VC Meta

Hopefully this guide brought more clarity on the towering VC requirements for competitive 2K23 MyCareer. While the costs inflate yearly, hopefully incorporating free VC programs like the daily spin can ease the burden somewhat.

What do you think of about NBA 2K23‘s VC economy? Feel free to share your own tips and tricks below!

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