How much won do you need to be rich in Korea?

To be considered wealthy or "rich" in Korea, you need to have financial assets totaling over 1 billion Korean won (approximately $810,000 USD). This benchmark comes from the 2022 Korean Wealth Report, which surveyed 400 Koreans having at least 1 billion won in financial assets.

Key Income and Wealth Benchmarks

Here are some key income and wealth statistics in Korea for context:

Median Monthly Income (2021)

PercentileMonthly Income (won)Monthly Income (USD)
50th (median)2,600,000$2,100

As you can see from the median income, an individual earning around $2,100 USD per month (2.6 million won) would be considered to have an average middle class income by Korean standards.

The top 10% of Korean income earners make over 6.38 million won per month, equivalent to approximately $5,200 USD.

In terms of milestone income figures, a salary of 300 million won per year ($243,000 USD) can provide a very comfortable lifestyle in Seoul with nice housing, travel ability, and car ownership within reach.

Housing Cost Examples in Seoul

To understand the type of lifestyle 1 billion won in assets can afford, it helps to look at real estate prices in Seoul:

Average Apartment Price in Seoul

  • Avg size: 102 pyeong (unit of area)
  • Avg price per pyeong: 16,840,000 won ($13,600 USD)
  • Total average price: 1.72 billion won ($1.4 million USD)

So while 1 billion won gets you close to affording the average apartment in Seoul, you may need to supplement that with additional income/assets to own real estate in the most prime locations.

Other Cost of Living Examples in Korea

Here are some other representative costs for everyday spending in Korea:

  • Bus/subway fare per ride – 1,250 won ($1 USD)
  • Movie ticket – approx 12,000 won ($10 USD)
  • Coffee at cafe – around 5,000 won ($4 USD)
  • Buying a low-mid range car – approx 30-40 million won ($25,000-$32,000 USD)

So as you can see even smaller amounts of money can go a long way for basic spending, but significantly more is needed for luxury spending and assets like high-end real estate.

In summary, 1 billion won puts you at the threshold for being considered wealthy in Korea, but more assets would be ideal for a true high-end lifestyle.

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