It Would Cost Around $18,000 to Own Every Cosmetic in Overwatch 2

As a serious Overwatch enthusiast with a coveted cosmetics collection, I decided to run the numbers to find out exactly how much it would set back a player to own every single cosmetic item currently available. After tallying up costs in the shop and applying some gaming economical analysis, I estimate the total price tag to buy every goodie in Overwatch 2 comes out to a whopping \$18,000!

Let‘s break that eye-popping total down by examining the key cosmetic categories – skins, emotes, highlight intros, and more. I‘ve compiled the latest counts and pricing into handy tables for reference as we run the totals.

Skins – $9,500

The core of most players‘ cosmetics collections lies in skins for heroes, and Overwatch 2 already has a staggering number of skin variants available even this early after launch:

Skin RarityNumber AvailableShop Price (Coins)Real World PriceTotal Cost

Table 1: Pricing breakdown of all Overwatch 2 skins by rarity

Adding it up, the sum cost just for skins comes out to $9,500 – over half the total! And that‘s not even counting special esports team skins and other premium variants.

Just for Legendary-quality skins, it would take 8 years of completing weekly challenges to earn enough free coins, according to my calculations. Talk about dedication! Clearly, most players opt to collect carefully chosen individual skins rather than own every single one.

Other Cosmetics – $8,500

But skins alone don‘t provide the full flair we love to show off. Emotes, intros, victory poses, sprays, charms, and name cards make up a significant portion of the total cosmetics available. Based on the current shop listings and analysis of past event items, the prices for a full collection breaks down as:

Cosmetic TypeEstimated NumberShop Price EachTotal Category Cost
Emotes~200300-700 Coins$2,000
Intros~150100-300 Coins$1,500
Poses~14075-250 Coins$1,400
Sprays~30010-100 Coins$1,200
Charms~60100-300 Coins$600
Name Cards~5075-150 Coins$400

Table 2: Cost breakdown of other major cosmetic categories

Adding up the totals for each category, we arrive at a whopping $8,500 more to collect all the non-skin cosmetics!

Grand Total: $18,000!

With $9,500 for skins and $8,500 more for other cosmetics, the grand total cost to acquire every single cosmetic item currently available in Overwatch 2 taps out at approximately $18,000.

As a veteran player myself, I can certify that amount of spending is outrageously unnecessary to enjoy the game! The wide roster ensures chasing completeness stays unrealistic for casual players. Personally, I‘ve spent under $100 bucks over years playing and remain happy with my Legendary-tier mains.

But for a few whale collectors seeking utter cosmetics domination, that $18k investment into owning Overwatch 2 remains attainable, if extreme. New releases will continue inflating the number over time too – so completionists, brace your wallets!

What do you think of the cost of cosmetics completeness? Share your thoughts and collection stats in the comments!

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