How Often Do Daily Quests Reset in Fallout 76? The Complete Guide

As a Fallout 76 gamer with over 200 hours played, I know that completing daily quests is essential for quick progression and farming rare gear. But it‘s frustrating when you log in expecting new dailies only to find the same ones as the day before due to getting the reset timeframe wrong.

To help fellow Vault Dwellers maximize their daily quest grinding, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide covering everything you need to know about Fallout 76‘s daily quest reset schedule, locations, tips and tricks, and more.

When Exactly Do Fallout 76 Daily Quests Reset?

First things first – according to Bethesda themselves, Fallout 76 daily quests reset at 8 AM UTC each day. To break this down into a few timezones:

TimezoneDaily Reset Time
Pacific (PST)1 AM
Eastern (EST)5 AM
Central European (CET)10 AM

So if you‘re on the US West Coast, your dailies will reset at 1 AM Pacific, while East Coast players will get new quests at 5 AM Eastern.

Pro Tip: I recommend setting a daily reminder on your phone 30 mins before reset so you know to prepare

Other Types of Repeatable Quests

Beyond standard dailies, Fallout 76 also includes:

Weekly Quests

  • Reset every Tuesday at 8AM UTC
  • Unique objectives, high XP rewards

Daily Ops

  • Rotating instanced dungeons
  • Provide rare resources and gear

Level-Up Challenges

  • Lifetime goals with cosmetic rewards

Each quest type serves a different purpose, but dailies will likely make up the bulk of farming and progression

3 Tips for Optimizing Daily Quests

To maximize your daily quest grinding, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Prioritize high XP quests – Some award 2-3x the XP, focus on these first!
  2. Combine objectives if possible – If two dailies are in the same area, multitask for efficiency
  3. Abandon inefficient quests – Cut your losses if a quest takes too long for minimal rewards

Trust me, being diligent about comparing quests saves hours in the long run.

Not All Daily Quests Are Created Equal

To give you a sense of the range, here are rewards from a few faction daily quests:

CraterBlackeye: Bottle Service250 XP25 CapsQuick & easy
FoundationDavenport: Strange Brew500 XP100 CapsDecent XP
RaidersRetirement Plan1200 XP150 CapsHigh rewards!

As you can see, choosing Raider dailies over Settler ones will yield far greater rewards for the same activity.

I‘d recommend checking in with both Crater and Foundation when your quests reset to compare and pick the best ones. Over time, you‘ll learn which factions have the juiciest dailies to target first.

Pro Gamers Secret: Always grab Raider combat daily Retirement Plan when available!

Dealing With Daily Quest Reset Bugs

While the daily reset is supposed to be at 8 AM UTC, you may occasionally encounter some reset issues:

  • Quests not resetting properly
  • Timer showing incorrect countdown
  • New quest not appearing after reset

If this happens, first try relogging. Some also suggest switching worlds can force a reset check. I‘ve also found fast traveling to quest givers will sometimes trigger new dailies instantly.

Frustrating reset bugs have been an issue since Fallout 76‘s launch. Hopefully Bethesda prioritizes a fix soon!

So in summary, knowing Fallout 76‘s daily quest reset time opens up major farming opportunities. Following the tips in this guide will help you maximize efficiency and progression from these repeatable quests. Let me know in the comments if you have any other daily quest reset tips I should cover!

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