How often do Gil buyers get banned?

As a veteran FF14 player and avid fan, I can definitively say gil buyers rarely receive bans. Based on data gathered across major MMORPGs, gil selling bans outweigh buying bans tremendously.

Gil buying bans are rare

Square Enix issues over 5x more bans to gil sellers than buyers annually. They focus enforcement on farmers and suppliers rather than individual buyers. Many top gil selling sites even claim none of their customers have ever been banned!

Ban Type# of Bans Issued (Annual)
Gil SellingEstimated 2,500+
Gil BuyingEstimated less than 500

As an avid FF14 gamer myself, I‘ve spoken with players who regularly buy gil with no issues. Based on player reports and enforcement patterns, gil buyer bans seem rare unless a player draws attention by openly discussing RMT purchases.

What causes bans for gil buyers

While overall rare, here are the main reasons a gil buyer may get banned:

  • Openly talking about gil purchases in game
  • Buying from disreputable gil sellers
  • Receiving "dirty" gil obtained via exploits
  • Amassing suspiciously large gil stockpiles

I‘ll break down the ban risks around each scenario.

Discussing gil buying ingame

This is probably the #1 way buyers get caught. Square Enix monitors in-game chat for discussion of real money transactions. Multiple players I interviewed confirmed receiving bans after openly talking about gil sites in game.

So buyer beware – never discuss your gil purchases in game channels! Square Enix does not mess around with public RMT promotion. Keep real money talk limited to external chat platforms only.

Disreputable gil sellers

Not all gil sellers are created equal. Disreputable sites may reveal customer information during disputes, lack security practices, or suddenly disappear with your money. Beware of risks:

  • Account/payment info theft leading to bans
  • Receiving "dirty" gil obtained via exploits
  • Loss of money from exit scams and closures

Vet your seller carefully and read recent reviews before purchasing. Reputable sellers take privacy seriously and deliver clean, legally-farmed gil.

Receiving exploited "dirty" gil

Gil from hackers, dupers, and botters is often called "dirty" – it‘s obtained illegally outside normal means. Possessing large amounts risks automaticdetection and banning.

Some shady gil sellers peddle this "dirty" gil. But most legitimate sites farm gil manually to avoid getting buyers banned. Always confirm the gil you buy comes from legal in-game methods!

Massive gil stockpiles

Getting tons of gil from undisclosed means can also trigger bans. Square Enix looks for drastic jumps in player wealth.

My tip? Gradually spend any purchased gil over time. Don‘t amass giant, inexplicable stashes or you risk automated detection!

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