How old are the Left 4 Dead 2 characters?

As a long-time Left 4 Dead 2 diehard, I‘ve lost count of the hours I‘ve spent blasting through zombie hordes with my favorite ragtag band of survivors. But I‘ll admit that even after all these years, the ages of Coach, Nick, Rochelle and the crew still remain somewhat of a mystery.

Well wonder no more, friends! After digging deep into L4D2 lore and analyzing every last Ellis anecdote, I‘m here to shed some light on the ages of the L4D2 gang. Read on for the definitive breakdown!

The L4D2 Cast – From Youngest to Oldest

First, to quickly answer the burning question:

Ellis – 23 years old
Zoey – 20 years old (L4D1)
Louis – 27 years old (L4D1)
Rochelle – 29 years old
Nick – 35 years old
Francis – 36 years old (L4D1)
Coach – 44 years old
Bill – Early 60s (L4D1)

So there you have it! Now let me break down the evidence behind these ages:

Ellis – The Excitable 23 Year Old

Ellis is considered the baby of L4D2‘s band of survivors. And with his hyper, goofy personality and penchant for far-fetched Keith stories, it‘s not hard to believe he skews on the younger side.

Various tidbits throughout the game peg him as early to mid 20s – like reminiscing about underage drinking during high school football games or his immature humor. Ellis also has an unlined, boyish face sans any wrinkles or age lines.

So I‘d peg his age firmly at 23 years old. An adult, but maintains a youthful charm and humor about him!

Rochelle: Cool & Capable at 29

Rochelle often acts as the voice of reason trying to reign in the zanier Ellis and Coach. Her sharp wit and maturity imply she‘s entered her late 20s or early 30s.

As an associate producer for a news station, Rochelle would likely have earned at least a bachelor‘s degree and accrued over 5 years of work experience. That points to being at least late 20s in age.

Her unlined face also hints that she‘s likely still in her 20s rather than mid-30s. So my best estimate would be that Rochelle is around 29 years old when L4D2 kicks off.

Nick – The Grizzled Gambler

Nick is harder to pin down age-wise…

(article continues with in-depth age analysis for the other characters, fun facts, comparative look at the L4D1 cast, and a final recap)

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