How old is Alphinaud in Heavensward?

As a devoted FF14 gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked about the ages of popular characters like Alphinaud. With the Heavensward expansion celebrating its 5-year anniversary, let‘s analyze everyone‘s favorite Elezen twin!

Alphinaud and Alisaie: 16 Years Old in Heavensward

Alphinaud Leveilleur is explicitly stated to be 16 years old during the events of Heavensward, which launched in 2015. As a young Elezen graduating early from Studium, he set out from Sharlayan with his twin sister Alisaie at this age.

Five years later in the Shadowbringers expansion, Alphinaud celebrates his 18th birthday – confirming he was 16 in Heavensward.

The Elezen Aging Conundrum

As an Elezen, Alphinaud ages differently than races like Hyur and Miqo‘te. Elezen are known for longevity, living over 200 years in some cases. They reach physical maturity later – hence why the 16 year old twins are shorter than most adult Elezen.

While no official details on Elezen aging exist, analysis of characters like Y‘shtola have fans theorizing a conversion rate of approx. 3 Elezen years for every 1 Hyur year once they become adults. For example, Y‘shtola is estimated to be early 30s in Hyur age.

Alphinaud‘s Voice Actor Change

Interestingly, Alphinaud‘s voice actor changed after the Heavensward expansion due to physical changes during puberty. His new voice better matches the image of an Elezen growing into adulthood.

Many fans were heartbroken over this change, as his original VA captured Alphinaud‘s enthusiasm and energy so perfectly. However, his new voice has grown on fans too.

Alphinaud Voice Actor Change

Alphinaud and Alisaie‘s Age Progression

Here is a table detailing Alphinaud and Alisaie‘s aging throughout each FF14 expansion:

ExpansionAlphinaud‘s AgeAlisaie‘s Age
A Realm Reborn16 years16 years
Heavensward16 years16 years
Stormblood17 years17 years
Shadowbringers18 years18 years
Endwalker (Present)18 years18 years

So in Endwalker, the twins are young adults completing their growth into full-fledged Elezen. Let‘s compare them against other major characters:

Thancred: Early 40s in Hyur age

Urianger: Mid 30s in Elezen years

Y‘shtola: Early 30s in Hyur years

The Scions range quite a bit, but skewer older than the twins besides Krile. As Elezen though, Alphinaud and Alisaie will outpace their aging eventually!

Alphinaud‘s Maturity Across Expansions

Having begun my own FF14 journey alongside Alphinaud in A Realm Reborn, I‘ve greatly enjoyed watching him mature as a character.

Despite his intelligence, the early arcs portrayed Alphinaud as headstrong and imperious. His plans often backfired, underscoring his lack of real-world experience.

However, failures taught Alphinaud humility. His ideals held strong, but he became more considered towards others‘ input.

Come Shadowbringers, Alphinaud had grown remarkably from the impatient boy I first met. He led the people of the Crystarium with wisdom and compassion. By Endwalker, he had become a measured leader who took counsel but trusted his convictions.

Throughout this gradual growth, Alphinaud‘s earnest desire to help others stayed constant. His maturation felt organic and hopeful – a testament to FF14‘s phenomenal storywriting.

So while still young for an Elezen, Alphinaud is far more mature at 18 than his 16 years in Heavensward!

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