How old is Arthur Morgan in 1911?

As an avid Red Dead fan, I‘m often asked about the ages of characters like rugged cowboy Arthur Morgan. According to the game’s timeline, Arthur would be around 48 years old in 1911 when the first Red Dead Redemption takes place. But how exactly is his age determined in the series? Grab a cup of coffee, pardner, because we’re going to take a deep dive into the details!

Pinpointing Arthur Morgan‘s Birth Year

Arthur‘s exact date of birth is never explicitly stated in the games. However, based on the Red Dead wiki fandom site, we can safely deduce he was born around 1863. Here‘s a breakdown of the evidence:

  • The events of Red Dead Redemption 2 kick off in 1899
  • Developers confirm Arthur is 36 years old during RDR2 gameplay
  • So if he‘s 36 in 1899, his assumed birth year is 1863

Pretty simple mafs! This would make Arthur roughly 48 years old when John Marston‘s story picks up in 1911 during the original Red Dead Redemption saga.

How Arthur Morgan Ages Throughout the Series Timeline

Now that we‘ve pinned down Arthur‘s birth date, let‘s take a macro view of how old he is throughout the series‘ timeline spanning over 30 years!

1863Arthur Morgan is born
189936 years old during RDR2 events
1907Passes away at age 43 from tuberculosis
1911Would have been 48 years old currently

We can use the years rockstar developers have confirmed for other characters ages to cross-reference and confirm Arthur’s age.

For example, John Marston is around 26 years old during 1899 RDR2 gameplay. Arthur is clearly 10+ years older than John, fitting perfectly with Arthur’s 36 years old status. And if John Marston was 38 when he died in 1911, that lines up with Arthur being 48 if he were still alive.

So while we don’t have explicitly see Arthur celebrate his birthday, by reading between the lines developers have left enough breadcrumbs to deduce his age progression throughout the series!

Examining What Happens to Arthur Morgan in 1907

Arthur’s story ultimately ends in tragedy, as he passes away at a relatively young age of 43 in 1907. The culprit? Tuberculosis that he contracted from Downes Ranch during a debt collection mission.

Over 97,000 people died in 1907 alone from TB or consumption as it was called back then. And sadly, the fatal disease claimed Arthur as one of its victims.

With medical advancements still decades away, TB was practically a death sentence once contracted in those days. And ultimately Arthur met the same fate many did as he grew weaker until succumbing just a few years after RDR2 concludes.

It’s easy to imagine that if Arthur survived his sickness a little longer, he could have reunited with John Marston to take down Micah Bell once and for all in 1911 at 48 years old. But alas, it was not meant to be for our beloved Van der Linde gang member.

Comparing Arthur Morgan‘s Age to Other Red Dead Characters

To put Arthur Morgan’s age into better perspective, let’s see how the outlaw stacks up against some other key characters over the years:

CharacterRDR2 Age (1899)Age By 1911
Arthur Morgan36 years oldWould be 48 years
John Marston26 years old38 years (dies in 1911)
Dutch van der Linde47 years old59 years old
Bill Williamson33 years old45 years old
Javier EscuellaApprox. 26 years old38 years old

We can see Arthur plays the role of both mentor and peer over the years. That’s evident through his interactions as an older brother-figure to young gun John, while remaining a contemporary matched in prowess to Javier Escuella.

And of course there’s the complicated father-son dynamic between himself and gang leader Dutch Van Der Linde that takes many twists and turns.

Overall, tracking the passage of time across both games gives us greater appreciation for just how long some relationships endure in the series. And how mortality catches up with these outlaws whether by bullet or tuberculosis.

Why Arthur Morgan‘s Age Appeals to Gamers

Part of why Arthur Morgan resonated so deeply with myself and many players is seeing the world through the eyes of a weathered cowboy nearing 40, rather than the typical 20-something game protagonist.

His grizzled look and demeanor gives the impression of a man who has seen and done quite a lot in his life already. One who operates by his own moral code passed down from former mentor Hosea Matthews.

Audiences could relate more to his questioning of Dutch’s leadership, desire for stability with Mary Linton, and hopes of escaping outlaw life. These are mature perspectives brought on by age that contrast well against young upstarts like Micah Bell.

In the next section, we’ll analyze how Arthur’s personality and worldview shift as he copes with both his fading youth and tuberculosis diagnosis.

How TB & Age Impact Arthur Morgan‘s Character Arc

Over Arthur Morgan’s Story arc coping with tuberculosis, we see the façade of a cold-hearted bandit give way to a man focused on leaving behind some good in the world. His youthful invincibility replaced by a realization of numbered days ahead.

And with tuberculosis afflicting him during middle age rather than elder years, the diagnosis carries extra weight. He won’t have the privilege of enjoying a full life ahead – that dream dies coughing up blood at age 36 along with plans of escaping West.

The support Arthur later shows towards rains Fall and Brother Dorkins stems from newly discovered empathy only possible with maturity and confronting mortality. How differently might rash young Arthur react if not for the personal growth that comes through age?

We see that despite being an outlaw, Arthur has also been a son, friend, lover and even father. There is humanity and complexity beyond just his crimes. This nuanced portrayal simply wouldn’t land as genuinely if not for the rich lived experience that age provides.

And when Arthur tells Mrs. Downes he fears oblivion in what may be his final days, I truly feel the weight of a man glimpsing the end who still isn’t sure what awaits him or if any of it mattered. That poignant mix of uncertainty and hope could only exist in someone weathered by years of memories both beautiful and haunting.

So in the end while tuberculosis wounds him, maturity heals part of his spirit and opens the next chapter focused on redemption. And perhaps that duality serves as a metaphor that there are always new depths to uncover in people if we peer beneath the surface.

That’s why I believe Arthur resonates so deeply as a complex late 30s protagonist. We feel that duality more sincerely than we would from someone younger with less life experience conveyed through their eyes.

How Age Shapes Arthur‘s Relationships and Worldview

It’s clear that Arthur’s age changes how he interacts with other gang members and views the changing world around him:

  • Guides younger members like Lenny, Sean, Mary-Beth as a mentor
  • Sees himself in angry young gunslinger Micah Bell
  • Questions Dutch’s leadership as right-hand man, not just dutiful son
  • Dreams of escaping outlaw life he now feels too old for
  • Cynical about government, modernity infringing on Old West
  • Empathizes with passion of youthful idealists like Evelyn Miller

The breadth of perspectives and relationships Arthur navigates stems from the complex combination of his criminal past mixing with hopes to leave that history behind.

Unlike young gun John Marston who can only dream of futures beyond being an outlaw, Arthur’s age lends him greater urgency and perspective to change.

That unique standpoint shapes his motivations and interactions throughout the story in compelling fashion.

In Summary: Answering Definitively “How Old is Arthur Morgan in 1911?”

So after this deep dive exploring Arthur Morgan’s background, affliction, and relationships over the years – what definitive answer can we give readers who asked “How old is Arthur Morgan in 1911?”

If Arthur Morgan had survived his tuberculosis diagnosis to make it to 1911, he would have been 48 years old during the events of Red Dead Redemption.

Though robbed of seeing his story play out in the sequel, Arthur still rides on in spirit through the lives of those he touched. His legacy honored by fellow gang member Sadie Adler teaming up with John Marston to get revenge on Micah Bell.

And for those who enjoy imagining alternate timelines, some solace remains picturing 48 year old Arthur saddle up one last time with Marston to take down Dutch’s gang once and for all.

So while gone too soon at just 43 years old, our memories of Arthur Morgan’s escapades endure. Through the stories, bonds and scars he left behind that shaped the lives of so many in Dutch Van Der Linde’s outlaw family.

This has been just one gamer’s perspective on the poignant age storylines woven throughout Rockstar’s Red Dead masterpieces. Let me know your own thoughts on Arthur Morgan and other iconic gaming golden-agers worth celebrating!

Until next time, happy trails cowpokes!

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