How old is BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus?

At the start of Wolfenstein 2 in 1961, William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz is chronologically 32 years old. But accounting for the 14 year coma he endured after the events of Return to Castle Wolfenstein, his body has aged 47 years. This adds a fascinating dynamic to BJ‘s heroics as he wages a one-man war against the Nazi regime.

BJ‘s Full Timeline and Key Events:

Born in 1911 in Mesquite, Texas, BJ spent his early years on his family‘s farm honing his grit and determination.

In 1943 at age 31, BJ infiltrated Castle Wolfenstein on a covert mission (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) before being injured in an explosion, entering a coma.

BJ miraculously awoke from the 14 year coma in 1960 at age 47 biologically. After recovering, he sparked a revolution against the Nazis who had won WWII (The New Order).

In 1961‘s The New Colossus at age 32/47, BJ continued his fight after barely surviving a decapitation. His resilience highlights his legend.

Implications of BJ‘s 14 Year Coma:

BJ‘s coma from 1943-1960 puts his age in an interesting contrast. He went from being an athletic OSA agent in his prime during WWII to suddenly waking up as a 47 year old with signs of aging.

Yet he retained his peak strength and skill. The 14 lost years with no muscle deterioration seem medically implausible but speak to BJ‘s superhuman vitality.

The coma also adds substantial emotional trauma, as everyone BJ knew, including his OSA allies, have long perished while Nazis conquered the world. He awakes to what is essentially an alternate dystopian 1960 for him.

BJ‘s Evolution Across the Wolfenstein Series:

  • Wolfenstein 3D (1992) – First appearance of BJ with red hair, no backstory
  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001) – Some personality and voice acting introduced
  • Wolfenstein (2009) – Larger focus on occult/super powers, more character depth
  • The New Order (2014) – MachineGames reinvented BJ into a fully realized hero
  • The New Colossus (2017) – Presented an emotionally complex BJ against backdrop of a revolution

This evolution speaks to why BJ has become such an enthralling yet grounded protagonist over decades of Wolfenstein games. Where he was once a generic cipher for the player in early games, MachineGames made him a distinct character with depth.

BJ‘s Personality and Character Details:

Despite assertions that he has "dimwitted" intelligence by Nazi propaganda, BJ shows strategic thinking and general awareness through his monologues on situations.

For example, BJ‘s solemn poetic musings while viewing Caroline‘s shrine or preparing for missions exhibit sharp self-awareness and perception that exceed a simplistic meathead soldier stereotype some Nazis assume of him.

BJ‘s determination directly stems from his traumatic childhood on the farm marked by abuse from his father Rip. Fighting seems to give BJ the power and control over life that was denied to him then.

BJ speaking Polish connects to his heritage and also allows candid conversations with characters like Caroline that enhance trust. Given later games‘ focus on his upbringing, BJ likely learned Polish early on.

His relationships with Steiner, Set, Anya, and others reveal a loyalty that encapsulates BJ‘s motivations – redeeming his failure to save Caroline and preventing such personal tragedy again.

BJ‘s Connections – Keen, Doom Guy Legacies?

As hinted at in rebooted lore, BJ could be the grandfather of Commander Keen, himself the father of Doom Guy (the Doom Slayer).

This potential Blazkowicz lineage forging a link between Wolfenstein and Doom symbols the impact BJ has had on shaping id‘s action heroes for 30 years.

It ties together BJ‘s history with the eventual galactic threats Keen faces and onward to the demonic horrors the Doom Marine battles with BJ‘s foundational fight against the Nazi evil.

BJ‘s Lasting Icon Status – Conclusion:

For these reasons, William "B.J." Blazkowicz endures as a gaming icon. He represents overcoming adversity via perseverance and single-minded dedication to one‘s duty.

MachineGames leveraging current gen graphics and backstoryFlavor helped mold BJ into an multidimensional personality driven by his painful past and hope for a better future.

In 1961 at age 32 (47 in total years), BJ‘s weary eyes and scarred skin tell the story of this ongoing struggle. But through the evolution of Blazkowicz, both man and legend, his resolve only hardens. And Wolfenstein‘s hero continues to inspire gamers to keep fighting back against the forces of tyranny and terror.

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