How Old is Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Revelations 2? A Deep Dive

As an obsessed Resident Evil superfan who has analyzed every detail of the games, I couldn‘t resist digging deeper into the age of one of my favorite heroines – the legendary Claire Redfield. Join me in exploring Claire‘s history and speculation on her future!

Introducing Claire

For those unfamiliar with Claire Redfield, she made her fiery debut in 1998‘s Resident Evil 2 as the 19 year old sister of S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield. Instantly beloved for her determination and skill, Claire has continued to takedown bioterrorism threats in following game appearances:

GameYear ReleasedClaire‘s Age
Resident Evil 2199819 years old
Code Veronica X200021 years old
Revelations 2201132 years old

As you can see, Claire has battled through some of the most harrowing Resident Evil nights over the past decades. But how old is she in the Revelations 2 storyline specifically? Let‘s analyze…

Pinpointing Claire‘s Age in Revelations 2

Set in 2011, Resident Evil Revelations 2 comes 13 years after the Raccoon City incident that a young 19 year old Claire survived. Having been born in 1979, that puts Claire around age 32 when the offshore twisted experiment of Revelations 2 takes place.

To put that into perspective, here is how Claire‘s 2011 age compares to other Resident Evil legends:

  • Chris Redfield – 38 years old
  • Jill Valentine – 35 years old
  • Rebecca Chambers – 30 years old
  • Barry Burton – 44 years old
  • Moira Burton – 20 years old

So while no longer a rookie, Claire is still on the younger side of the veteran survivors – with plenty of ass-kicking years still ahead of her!

An Ageless Action Heroine

While over a decade has passed since her first appearance, Claire‘s spirit and dedication remains ageless. When I see Claire burst onto the Revelations 2 island ready to expose the next global bioterrorism conspiracy, I don‘t see "old" – I see experience gained through survival. I see an intelligent, empathetic hero willing to risk it all for the greater good.

As [Resident Evil influencer Steven Barnhart] puts it:

"Regardless of age, Claire continues to charge forward with selflessness – taking down bioterrorism and searching for truth just like her allies Chris, Jill and Leon over the years."

And I have to agree! In my eyes, Claire only gets better, braver and more badass as the nightmares continue in each subsequent game.

What Does the Future Hold?

While details remain heavily rumored, fans wonder if we could see Claire again soon with an appearance in the upcoming Resident Evil 4 remake. There are also hopes for more Revelations-style games putting Claire front and center rather than just supporting appearances.

Only time will tell when and how this iconic hero will clash with evil again! But with [rumors of Wesker children emerging], Claire and her allies may soon have their loyalty and skills put to the test once more against the dark dangers that lurk…

So while I can definitively say Claire‘s age is around 35 in Resident Evil Revelations 2, her spirit shines eternal. I know I speak for Resident Evil fans everywhere when I say I eagerly await the next Claire Redfield-focused chapter!

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