How old is Eivor at the end of AC Valhalla?

As a passionate AC gamer and lore enthusiast, one question has plagued me since finishing Valhalla: just how old is Eivor by the end? Piecing together clues from the sagas reveals an approximate age of 29-31 years old. Let‘s unravel the mystery of the Wolf-Kissed‘s aging.

Setting the Stage: Eivor‘s Backstory

First, a quick recap of key events establishing Eivor‘s origins:

  • Born: 847 CE in Norway (Age 0)
  • Parents killed by Kjotve the Cruel when Eivor is young
  • Rescued and adopted by King Styrbjorn of the Raven Clan
  • Lead raids on England beginning around Age 25 (872 CE)

So when we first meet Eivor, she is a battle-hardened 25-year old shieldmaiden primed for conquering England.

The Main Saga: A Year in the Life

AC Valhalla‘s central storyline spans about one year. We accompany Eivor establishing a settlement, forging alliances, and confronting threats during this period.

Year CE
Eivor‘s Age
25 years old
26 years old

So by the close of the main saga around 873 CE, Eivor is roughly 26 years old. Still squarely in her prime Viking raiding years.

The Missing Years: Piecing Together Post-Game Events

After the credits roll, Valhalla‘s additional story content spans several years past 873 CE. Unlike the main quest‘s clear chronology, the precise timing of these DLC adventures is murkier.

Based on hints within the sagas, we can deduce a rough timeline:

  • 874 CE – Siege of Paris DLC. Eivor is approximately 27 years old.
  • 875 CE – Wrath of Druids DLC. Around 28 years old.
  • 876 CE – Dawn of Ragnarök DLC. Likely 29-31 years old.

So by the close of Dawn of Ragnarök when the chronological sagas conclude, Eivor seems to reach about 29-31 years of age.

Signs of Aging?

Interestingly, despite advancing years, Eivor‘s appearance changes little between the main game and Paris/Ireland expansions.

Perhaps a side effect of carrying Odin‘s soul slows Eivor‘s outward aging. Or the animus interface simply preserves his/her vigor. Regardless, Eivor remains as bold and formidable as ever.

Eivor vs Other Assassins: How Long Lives Stack Up

Compared to AC‘s near-immortal protagonists like Altair, Ezio, and Kassandra, Eivor‘s 30-ish years seem quaint. For perspective:

Total Life Span
Around 90 years
Ezio Auditore
65 years
Eivor Wolf-Kissed
29-31 years
2,400+ years!

While not even a blip for ever-living Isu hybrids like Kassandra, Eivor packs immense legend into her three decades of life. And her destiny may yet hold more…

Speculation: Eivor‘s Fate After Valhalla

Valhalla‘s ending sparks debate on whether Eivor perishes in North America or returns to her people. I believe evidence points to her survival:

  • The ambiguous ending leaves room for Eivor‘s return in future games
  • Her destiny seems intertwined with Basim‘s still-unknown fate
  • Eivor has endured worse injuries than Vinland‘s cold previously

So perhaps we could see a 35-40 year old Eivor in a later saga. But for now, her age finale likely rests around 29-31 years based on Valhalla‘s current chronology.

Let me know what hidden clues or theories about wise Eivor‘s age you‘ve uncovered on your own sagas! Skål!

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