How Old is Hancock in Fallout 4?

Hancock is estimated to be around 40-50 years old chronologically in Fallout 4, though as a ghoul his true age could be considerably older. But before analyzing Hancock’s current age, it’s important to understand his mysterious backstory and transformation into one of the most beloved characters in the Fallout universe.

From John McDonough to Hancock

Prior to becoming a ghoul, Hancock grew up as a human named John McDonough in Diamond City along with his brother, Mayor McDonough. The Fallout wikis don’t provide an exact age for John prior to his transformation, but given Mayor McDonough’s apparent middle age in Fallout 4, it’s reasonable to assume John was in his early 20s when he turned.

Details on the timeline of John‘s ghoulification are hazy, but we know the process halted his aging entirely. Physically, ghouls in the Fallout universe can persist for hundreds of years, which is what allowed Hancock to witness the rise and fall of Diamond City over two centuries of post-apocalyptic history.

The Mind of an Ancient Ghoul

But while ghouls enjoy extended lifespans, their minds are not immune to the ravages of time. Many ghouls suffer psychological issues like dementia, yet Hancock shows no such impairments. His charming wit and firm grasp of Goodneighbor‘s affairs point to a still-keen intellect after all these years.

So while well over 200 years old chronologically, biologically Hancock seems frozen physiologically and mentally around his ghoulification age. And that youthful vigor is a big part of why he resonates so strongly as a Fallout 4 companion.

Leading His Flock in Goodneighbor

As the mayor of Goodneighbor, Hancock applies the wisdom gathered over two centuries of post-nuclear experience to protect the fragile stability of the city‘s misfit residents. His leadership contrasts sharply with the iron-fisted authority of his brother. And Hancock extends that egalitarian style to the player as well, appreciating those who follow their own moral compass.

In fact, the affinity mechanic binds player and companion together on ideological grounds. Players that indulge in chem usage and buck the status quo find a fast friend in Hancock. This loyalty stems directly from Hancock‘s personality as an iconoclast molded by the nuclear apocalypse.

Designed as an Outcast Through Obscurity

Bethesda‘s intentional obscurity around Hancock‘s background serves the character well. The lack of a known age makes him seem almost transcendent – like a being who has watched eras come and go around him. It also allows players to imprint their own perceptions onto Hancock.

For players, he represents the quintessential charming rogue – philosophically independent and fully adapted to life among the ruins of civilization. Short of confirming he is likely 40-50 years old as a human-turned-ghoul, Hancock‘s origins remain shrouded in mystery to heighten his mystique as a post-apocalyptic legend. And that rubs off on players as they befriend this enigmatic iconoclast.

So in the end, Hancock’s age is secondary to the rich experiences that defined him. As the immortal bard Whitman wrote:

I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contained; I stand and look at them long and long. They do not sweat and whine about their condition…They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.

Over 200 years, Hancock firmly established his duty – to shepherd the outcasts and outliers of Goodneighbor to safety. And that purpose endures no matter his age.

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