How old is Hanzo Shimada?

According to Overwatch lore and the game‘s fictional timeline, esteemed archer Hanzo Shimada is 38 years old as of the current day. He hails from the powerful Shimada crime family, based out of Hanamura, Japan.

As the eldest Shimada son, Hanzo was bound by duty to one day run the family empire. He excelled in the secret arts taught to each Shimada heir but struggled with family tensions and expectations placed on him. At age 38, Hanzo seeks to restore his honor and come to terms with his past actions.

The Shimada Clan: A Storied History in Hanamura

The fictional Shimada clan has controlled criminal activities in Hanamura for centuries. They amassed power through ruthless business dealings, extortion, and omnic smuggling.

"The Shimada family was established during the Sengoku era, a long period of conflict in Japan. As war weakened the region, the Shimadas chose an opportune moment to form a criminal empire." – Overwatch lore

Hanzo‘s father Sojiro ruled the Shimada empire in its prime. He led with an iron fist but cared for his two sons. Sojiro raised Hanzo and Genji among luxury, privilege, and rigorous training to ensure the next strong Shimada leader.

Quick Facts on the Shimada Clan

  • Controlled criminal empire based in Hanamura for centuries
  • Rose to power via ruthless tactics like extortion and omnic smuggling
  • Established during the Sengoku era in Japan
  • Led by Sojiro Shimada prior to the era of Overwatch
  • Sojiro raised sons Hanzo and Genji as next in line to rule

The omnic struggles that spread globally and the eventual downfall of the clan left Hanamura in disarray by the time of Overwatch.

Hanzo Shimada‘s Upbringing as Shimada Heir

Born in 2038, Hanzo was groomed from birth to inherit the Shimada empire. He took to the traditional kyūdō bow and secret shinobi techniques taught to each generation.

"As the eldest son, Hanzo was bound by duty to succeed his father and rule the Shimada empire. From a young age, he was trained for this responsibility in the ancient family fighting techniques." – PlayOverwatch YouTube

Hanzo excelled as an assassin and marksman under his father‘s tutelage. He mastered mystical Dragonstrike abilities passed down by the dragons of the Shimada.

Hanzo‘s Training and Upbringing

  • Born: 2038 in Hanamura, Japan
  • Eldest son of Sojiro Shimada
  • Groomed from young age as Shimada heir
  • Trained in secret deadly arts of clan since childhood
  • Mastered mystical Dragonstrike technique and kyūdō archery
  • Honed skills as expert assassin and marksman

Meanwhile, his younger brother Genji lived irreverently without regard for the clan‘s traditions. Hanzo grew stern in contrast to Genji‘s carefree ways. Over time, tension festered between the two brothers.

The Burden of Succession: Hanzo vs. Genji

As heirs to an empire built through villainy, the Shimada brothers faced great expectations…and peril. Hanzo took it upon himself to uphold the Shimada legacy, while Genji cared little for the clan‘s nefarious dealings.

"Hanzo was bound by duty to succeed his father as head of the Shimada empire. Genji, on the other hand, showed little interest, preferring instead to live a playboy lifestyle." – Gamepedia Overwatch Wiki

Their father Sojiro saw Hanzo as the next strong leader fit to rule. In contrast, the elders saw Genji as growing threat who risked exposing the clan’s activities to outsiders.

Tensions escalated between the brothers and the elders commanded Hanzo to "set Genji straight"…or face the consequences.

Key Sources of Conflict

  • Hanzo – Stern and bound by duty to the Shimada legacy
  • Genji – Carefree; uninterested in the clan‘s criminal dealings
  • Their father Sojiro favored Hanzo as next in line to rule
  • The Shimada elders saw Genji as a risk and threat
  • Elders commanded Hanzo to make Genji conform or "face the consequences”

This escalating conflict between heir apparent Hanzo and outcast Genji set dark events in motion…

The "Murder" of Genji & the Shimada Clan‘s Downfall

Despite brotherly bonds, Hanzo felt bound by honor and duty to obey the clan‘s elders. He attempted to make his brother renounce his carefree lifestyle to no avail.

Left with no choice by the elders, Hanzo challenged Genji to a duel to the death. Though he did not wish to harm his kin, Hanzo lethally wounded his brother with the ancient Dragonstrike technique passed down in the Shimada family.

"What happened between them remains a mystery, but the aftermath was clear: the duel ended in disaster.” – Overwatch lore

Believing he had killed Genji, Hanzo abandoned the clan and his birthright in shame. Without an heir or leader, the Shimada empire collapsed amidst global turmoil and the financial impacts of the Omnic Crisis. Both Hanamura and the once great Shimada clan fell into disorder and disrepair.

The Aftermath

  • Hanzo reluctantly fought Genji per the elder‘s orders
  • He critically wounded Genji using the clan‘s Dragonstrike technique
  • Hanzo abandoned the clan thinking he had killed his brother
  • This left the Shimada empire without an heir or leader
  • The clan collapsed economically during the Omnic Crisis
  • Hanamura descended into chaos and ruin

Little did Hanzo know at the time that Genji was rescued by Overwatch and transformed into a cybernetic-enhanced ninja…

Hanzo at Age 38: Seeking Redemption and Honor

In the years since the Shimada clan‘s downfall, Hanzo lived in solitude as he sought to come to terms with his past and restore personal honor. Both he and the world presumed Genji dead by his hand.

At 38 years old in the current Overwatch timeline, Hanzo remains lethal with his bow and troubled by regret.

"Hanzo is attempting to restore his honor and put the ghosts of his past to rest." – PlayOverwatch YouTube

He perseveres in hope of making amends one day. Though events have left him stern and isolated, Hanzo still fights with dignity and grace.

Hanzo Now at Age 38

  • Lived in solitary self-imposed exile for many years
  • Seeking redemption for perceived slaying of brother Genji
  • Masterful archer and assassin, lethal with his bow
  • Stern personality hardened by family duty and history
  • Holds onto hope that he can someday atone for his past actions

Little does Hanzo know that the brother he thought dead has come back seeking reconciliation and forgiveness…

The legacy of Hanzo Shimada has shaped him over his 38 years of life. While difficult experiences burden this master assassin, perhaps hope remains that he can rebuild the bridges once burned.

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