Inklings in Splatoon are Approximately 14 Years Old

As an avid Splatoon player andenthusiast, understanding key details about the lives of Inklings enhances my enjoyment and appreciation for these chaotic squid-kids. One vital aspect is their age – knowing how old Inklings are canonically establishes a foundation for analyzing all other areas of their biology, society and behavior. After thorough research into official sources, I can conclusively state the accepted age for playable Inklings across the Splatoon series is approximately 14 years old.

Direct Word from Splatoon‘s Creators

My statement comes directly from Splatoon developers at Nintendo. In a 2017 Famitsu interview, producer Hisashi Nogami commented that the Inklings seen in Splatoon 2 specifically are 14 years of age [1]. As the latest title in the franchise, Splatoon 2 provides the most contemporary benchmark for analyzing Inkling biology. Previous instalments likely reflect a similar maturity level based on aesthetic consistency with character models and the central role of Turf War battles in Inkling culture across generations.

Additionally, lead artist Seita Inoue gave further insight by explaining that the number 14 holds significance in Japanese culture, being tied to key milestones like coming-of-age rituals [1]. This reveals intentionality from the developers in setting the age to reflect traditions around adolescence and reaching new stages of responsibility.

The 14 Year Mark: A Transitional Period in Inkling Development

So what exactly happens to Inklings at 14 years of age? By cross-referencing multiple sources, I pieced together a profile of key stages in their maturation process:

Humanoid Transformation

  • Around age 14, Inklings gain the ability to switch between humanoid and squid forms [2]
  • This suggests their squid biology remains dominant earlier in life
  • Once transformed, Inklings can produce ink, enabling fulf participation in core cultural activities like Turf War

School Attendance & Early Battles

  • 14 year old Inklings are depicted wearing school uniforms [3]
  • They hone Turf War skills through school teams and friend battles [4]
  • By this age, Inklings have developed sufficient physical and mental skill for organized competition

Fashion & Cultural Immersion

  • Increased independence and focus on peer bonding [4]
  • Trying new, trendy styles as a form of self-expression
  • Desire to emulate and identify with the broader Inkling cultural scene

In summary, the 14 year phase represents a turning point for Inklings where individual exploration blends with new responsibilities as burgeoning adults. Next, I‘ll compare Inkling aging to real-world aquatic creatures for deeper perspective.

The Rapid Maturation of Inklings vs. Real-World Squids

Unlike ordinary squids that experience gradual growth through larval stages, Inklings compact enormous development into just around 14 years:

Inkling Age Milestones

  • Humanoid transformation
  • School attendance
  • Full Turf War participation
  • Fashion/culture experimentation

Real Squid Early Life Stages

  • Planktonic larvae float freely for weeks to months before maturing [5]
  • Settle to the ocean floor once ready to take on a benthic existence
  • Very basic in structure, form, and behavior after metamorphosis
  • Years needed to reach sexual maturity [6]

The accelerated rate of Inkling growth aligns with their greater intellect and bipedal mobility. This allows integration into Inkling civilization at a young age.

While 14 years old signifies a transition into adolescence, little is known about later phases of the Inkling lifecycle. Their compressed development curve suggests perhaps 18-21 years old may represent full adulthood. Next I‘ll analyze some physiological traits of these characters.

The Physiology of a 14 Year Old Inkling

Using official art and in-game Inkling models for reference, observable physical traits include:

Height & Weight

  • Range from around 4ft 10in to 5ft 6in (145cm – 168cm) [7]
  • Likely weigh between 90-120lbs (40-55kg)

Skin, Hair & Eyes

  • Smooth, youthful facial features
  • Bright, vibrant eye colors like yellow, blue and green [8]
  • ‘Hair‘ tentacles number at six [9]

While exact dimensions vary between individuals, these estimates create a clearer physiological picture. Applying real world data, we can assume signs of puberty also emerge around 14 years old in preparation for adulthood.

Let‘s recap the key discussion points covered in this guide:

In summary…

  • Splatoon developers confirmed canon age of 14
  • The 14 year mark denotes a transitional development period
  • Inklings mature far quicker than ordinary squid
  • At 14, Inklings exhibit clearly youthful physical traits

Understanding age provides crucial perspective on other facets of Inkling biology and society. Yet many mysteries remain about stages beyond 14 years old in the lifespan of these chaotic characters. Perhaps future Splatoon releases will give us a glimpse!



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