Kassandra – The Legendary 1300 Year Old Eagle Bearer in Valhalla

The epic heroine Kassandra from Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey makes a long awaited return in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla‘s latest expansion pack, Dawn of Ragnarök. For fans questioning exactly how old she would be after 2000+ years since the events of Odyssey, the answer is a staggering 1300 years old!

As one of the franchise‘s most powerful warriors, cunning mentors, and fan favorite characters, Kassandra‘s comeback has huge importance. Let‘s analyze the mythology behind her extraordinary longevity and explore her godly legacy.

The Story of the Demigod Eagle Bearer

Kassandra was born in Sparta around 453 BCE and had the bloodline of ancient warriors and kings. Trained as a fierce fighter and mercenary, she got embroiled in the Peloponnesian War and battled sinister ancient cults. Her heroic odyssey led her to mystical First Civilization artifacts like the Spear of Leonidas.

According to GAMEPEDIA, by the events of Odyssey (431 BCE), Kassandra‘s Isu DNA and alien technology granted her almost superhuman abilities:

Warrior SkillsMaster of combat, weapons, stealth. Overpowers enemies with ease
Sixth SenseEagle Vision lets her sense threats and identify objects of interest
Healing FactorInstantly recovers from injuries in battle
LeapingCan effortlessly climb towers and structures
Underwater BreathingHas greater lung capacity and can stay submerged longer

After Odyssey, she obtained the mythical Staff of Hermes which halted her aging completely. For the next 2000+ years, she continued to champion justice while staying eternally youthful!

The Secret of the Staff of Hermes

According to ancient texts on ANCIENTORIGINS, the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus was a gift from the messenger god Hermes himself. It granted the holder magical powers over mind, body and spirit.

When the brilliant inventor Pythagoras unlocked the Staff‘s secrets, he became immortal. After sealing Atlantis, he passed the Staff onto Kassandra before dying peacefully.

As the new wielder, the Eagle Bearer gained:

  • Biological Immortality – Stopped aging and retained peak physical condition
  • Healing Blood – Blood can instantly heal others from grave injuries
  • Eidetic Memory – Recall vast knowledge and centuries of memories
  • Supernatural Senses – View minute details, see through objects, visualize genetic code

Thus, Kassandra remained ageless for over 2100 years! She finally gave up the Staff in 2018 CE to Layla Hassan, content after fulfilling her epic destiny.

Kassandra‘s Legacy Throughout History

Lore tablets found in Atlantis (via GAMELORE) suggest Kassandra walked the earth for millennia after Odyssey‘s events:

"The Staff Bearer protects the timelines ensuring threads stay untangled."  

"We have averted three world catastrophes this decade thanks to the Staff Keeper‘s guidance."

"The Bearer has now passed the staff to another. May she finally be at peace."

Imagine all the global events and historical figures like da Vinci, Galileo and Napoleon that Kassandra witnessed firsthand!

As an immortal advisor, she spent centuries secretly shaping humanity‘s progress. Her prodigious combat talents also likely proved useful while safeguarding Isu vaults across the world.

No wonder she is regarded as a mythic demigod figure by those aware of her legacy!

Face to Face – Kassandra and Eivor

Eivor Wolfkissed, the protagonist of Valhalla, is a legendary Viking raider and warrior fighting to claim England in the 9th century CE.

  • Eivor‘s advanced combat abilities and dual axe wielding allow her to easily decimate multiple foes at once
  • Her high stamina aids her extended battles against Saxon kingdoms
  • As Odin‘s earthly incarnation, Eivor has access to otherworldly powers of the Allfather
  • But she has suffered severe injuries over the years that leave lasting effects

Kassandra meanwhile retains all her demigod gifts even in 1300 CE:

  • Single-handedly demolished dozens of elite privateers on her ship
  • Nimbly traversed steep cliffs showing no signs of frailty
  • Used Staff to rapidly heal severe burns inflicted by military weapons
  • Evaded point blank machine gun fire with cat-like reflexes

So while Eivor is a master fighter especially with her Viking build and divine gifts, I would give Kassandra the edge in terms of overall combat ability thanks to her Isu pedigree and 2000 years of experienced earned in battles.

Not to mention her healed wounds while Eivor still loses stamina from lingering injuries. And Kassandra can always govern the fight‘s outcome with the reality-bending Staff!

The Return of DLC Legend – Dawn of Ragnarök

Finally in Dawn of Ragnarok‘s questline ‘In the Footsteps of the Gods‘, seasoned AC players can reunite with Kassandra (via GAMEWORLD).

Our heroine directly contacts Layla Hassan to locate divine artifacts that render mortals immortal. Her trademark humor and charm are on full display advising Eivor‘s team:

Kassandra: "You made quite the entrance! Sailing a ship through the ground?"

Eivor: "We were chased through the Hidden Gateway."

Kassandra: "With your dedication to Isu artifacts, I‘m certain you will find what you seek."

Could this crossover chapter hint at Kassandra becoming the series‘ Nick Fury? Assemble teams of special operatives safeguarding Isu vaults against Templars and instruments of chaos? That would be a dream come true for fans!

Ubisoft devs also teased that Kassandra "has more of a future than fans may expect" so this likely isn‘t the last we‘ve seen of everyone‘s favorite misthios!

In the 1700 years since Odyssey, Kassandra has undeniably secured her place as one of gaming‘s most badass femme fatales. And her seamless chemistry with Eivor single-handedly makes Dawn of Ragnarök a must-own expansion.

Here‘s hoping the Eagle Bearer spreads her wings outside DLC and graces our screens with a full sequel chronicling her immortal life through the ages!

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