Kratos is Approximately 1,055 Years Old in God of War Ragnarök

As an avid God of War fan, I‘m constantly impressed by the depth and rich backstory of Kratos, the vicious antihero from the iconic PlayStation franchise. In the latest installment God of War Ragnarök, Kratos‘ age is estimated to be around 1,055 years old – though he retains the strength and rage of a god in his prime.

But how could the Ghost of Sparta stay so powerful after a millennium of god-killing and world-ending battles? Let‘s analyze the complex timeline and mythology behind Kratos‘ incredible lifespan.

Deciphering the God of War Timeline

As a demigod born to Zeus and the mortal Callisto, Kratos ages far slower than a regular human. Experts estimate he was originally 30 years old as a Spartan general before his quests as a god began. The God of War wiki documents key dates in Kratos‘ storied past:

c.1700 BCE30Promoted to General of Sparta
c.1665 BCE35Kills Ares and becomes God of War
c.1664 BCE36Tricked by Ares into killing wife and daughter
c.1500 BCE150+Begins revenge on Olympian gods
c.535 CE1,055+Arrives in Scandinavia with son Atreus

So doing the math, Kratos is estimated to be over one thousand and fifty-five years old by the time of his battles with Norse gods like Thor and Odin during Ragnarök.

That‘s nearly 100 lifetimes for the average human! Yet the man is still ripping trolls in half with his bare hands…how?!

Kratos Cannot Permanently Die Due to His Curses

The key to Kratos‘ insane longevity is that he is both immortal and unable to permanently die. As Quora fan theories explain, the demigod was first granted effective immortality when he became the God of War.

But destroyed his godhood to give the power to humankind, right? Here‘s where his story gets even more tragic. Years later after his sins, a village oracle cursed the Spartan to wear the ashes of his deceased wife and daughter for all days – and to never be released from life by death‘s sweet embrace.

So Kratos seems doomed to walk the realms for eternity. Alongside his demigod healing factor and expert combat skills honed over centuries, no wound nor age can stop his wrath. How deliciously dark!

Kratos Would Dominate His Younger Greek Era Self

With this eternal lifespan and growing power over time, an older Kratos would surely defeat his younger Greek saga self in hypothetical combat.

Gamerant makes the excellent point that as Greek gods aged, they grew stronger. So the 1,000+ year old Ragnarök Kratos possesses way more experience and refined techniques compared to his cocky young 200-year-old self.

Not to mention the Blades of Chaos were forged in Norse hell, so they burn with intense primordial magic against Greek divine enemies. Old man Kratos for the flawless victory!

Younger Kratos vs Old Man Kratos

Younger cocky Kratos vs seasoned old warrior Kratos – my money is on Gramps!

Kratos Stands Taller Than Most Mortals, But Normal For Gods

Given his fierce reputation, fans might imagine Kratos to be some hulking 9-foot brute. But his exact height both currently and back in Ancient Greece has been debated…

According to the IndianExpress, old-school PS2 era Kratos was cited as 6‘6" in developer notes. But lead God of War 2018 designer Axel Grossman revealed he later stood around 7‘6" – an imposing giant!

However in the PS4 Ragnarök semi-reboot, Kratos got scaled back down closer to his new voice actor Christopher Judge‘s height of 6‘3". Likely to seem more grounded literally and figuratively as he journeys with Atreus.

So by God of War PS4 standards, Kratos stands around 6‘4" tall. Practically NBA big man size amongst average humans! But compared to Norse gods like 7-foot+ Thor, he fits in as slightly below Asgardian "average".

Either way, I‘ll take fitness motivation from a chiseled 1000+ year old warrior demigod any day! Kratos gives masterclasses in strength training for sure.

Final Analysis: Kratos‘ Age Defines His Never-Ending Struggle

Part of why Kratos strikes such a chord with fans is his flawed, yet unrelenting pursuit of purpose across the eras. As ScreenRant muses:

"There’s something tragic, yet hopeful about someone who manages to keep surviving – even when the universe seems intent on destroying him."

After over one thousand years of loss, violence, death, and chaos, Kratos ironically seeks nothing more than peace for his loved ones. But as the Ghost of Sparta, eternal freedom from his torment may truly be impossible.

That grim narrative keeps me invested in each new god-defying quest. And I must know how Kratos‘ fates unravel against the new Norse pantheon!

So while God of War‘s creators likely didn‘t plan every detail from the start, they expertly leaned into Kratos‘ epic timeline and ever-evolving mystique. Once just a cocky demigod, now a weathered warrior who transcended lost ages and myths unseen by mortal eyes.

Let the grim norns spin their threads – Kratos now marches to his own drum in a one-man war against the limits of fate. That indomitable conviction deserves respect, no matter the bloody chaos left in its wake.

Over 1000 years of god-slaying lore grants fascinating depth. But the real hook lies in seeing where the Ghost of Sparta‘s journey takes him next.

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