How old is Leon in RE8?

As an obsessed Resident Evil superfan blog, my burning question coming out of RE Village was: where the heck is Leon and how old would he even be now?! While the latest survival horror masterwork from Capcom focused on a new twisted tale for tragic hero Ethan Winters, fans were left wondering why our veteran zombie-slaughtering agent didn‘t make the trip to Romania. Let‘s unpack why one of the most legendary characters in RE history decided to sit this one out…

Leon Kennedy by the (RE) Numbers

For those unfamiliar with the Resi lore, let‘s rewind through Leon S. Kennedy‘s storied history battling bioweapons:

Resident Evil 2 (1998) – Rookie cop Leon makes his debut just age 21 on his first day in Raccoon City

Resident Evil 4 (2005) – U.S. special agent Leon returns age 27 to save the President‘s daughter from Spanish villagers

Resident Evil 6 (2012) – In his early 30s, Leon teams with fellow agents fighting a new C-virus outbreak

Based on this established timeline, Leon would be roughly 35-36 years old if he were to appear in Resident Evil Village in 2017. However, as we know – the iconic character we‘ve controlled through zombies, ganados, and everything in between over decades of RE games is completely absent from the main campaign.

Leon Kennedy‘s RE Journey: By the Numbers

Age in RE2 (1998)21 years old
Age in RE4 (2005)27 years old
Age in RE6 (2012)Early 30s
Estimated Age in RE Village (2017)35-36 years old

Examining Leon‘s Transformation Across the RE Storyline

But to simply label Leon Kennedy as "the classic RE protagonist" diminishes the fascinating evolution he has undergone over decades of biohazard warfare.

In RE2, we meet a somewhat naive yet courageous rookie cop thrust into a horrific situation he could have scarcely prepared for. Fast forward to RE4, and we see a far wearier, cynical man dismayed at facing yet another scourge on humanity – albeit this time with special forces combat training.

By RE6, Kennedy seems resigned to confronting bioterror threats as his life‘s purpose in his early 30s – while clearly wrestling internally with years of PTSD from the loss of life and devastation he has witnessed. Some wondered if the hardened soldier and gamers‘ legend could ever regain his youthful personality after years living in the darkness.

So in piecing together where Leon stands leading up to RE Village, we have:

  • A 35-36 year old disillusioned biohazard veteran used to battling threats solo

  • Over a decade of experience losing partners and soldiers under his command

  • Jaded yet resolved attitude about "just another mission"

…You can see why Capcom might set this latest horrifying trek into the unknown aside for Mr. Kennedy to catch his breath between zombie eradication gauntlets!

Why Capcom Said No to Kennedy for Resident Evil Village

Producer Toshiyoshi Kanda explained that RE Village was purposefully designed as a contained arc focused on protagonist Ethan Winters, set apart from most core RE lore and characters.

Bringing Leon in could have been more of a distraction from Ethan‘s deeply personal motivation to rescue his baby daughter Rose from the mysterious Mother Miranda. And as we have unpacked, Kennedy certainly shows signs of protagonist fatigue at this stage that would bog down a story demanding he charge heroically back into battle once more.

That said, clearly the prospect of Leon and Chris teaming up to take down Lady Dimitrescu together proved too amazing for fan fiction to ignore!

What Could the Future Hold for Leon?

While Kanda has warned fans not to expect appearances from familiar faces like Jill Valentine or even franchise legend Ada Wong in the near future, surely the RE storytellers have left some gas left in Leon‘s tank after sitting this mission out!

Reports indicate Resident Evil 9 may already be in early development. If the plot line follows up on RE Village‘s shocking twist ending and connections to catalyst Albert Wesker, Leon finally investigating these revelations seems inevitable.

My (semiprofessional, wink) betting odds:

Leon Kennedy returning as an NPC in RE9: 3/2

Leon Kennedy returning as RE9‘s surprise 3rd playable character: 15/1

The next chapter lies waiting to be written for one of survival horror‘s most monumental figures. But RE Village signified Leon Kennedy stepping back from the frontlines – at least for now.

Ethan Winters endearingly bumbled his way to victory once again, while somewhere far from rural Romania, we can picture Leon eyeing his muted pager…beer in hand…contemplating when duty might come screaming his name once more.

– UndeadGaming247

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