How Old is Maeve in Paladins? An In-Depth Investigation

As an avid Paladins player and Maeve main with over 200 hours played, one question I see asked often in the community is – how old is Maeve? While her exact age is not definitively stated in any official lore, by analyzing key details around her design, voice acting, abilities, and statements from the game‘s developers, the conclusion is clear: Maeve is an adult character, likely 18+ years old.

Maeve‘s Backstory Points to an Adult

Maeve‘s official backstory describes her growing up an orphan living on the dangerous streets, needing to steal and fight to survive daily. This emotionally heavy concept art aligns much more with a character who has endured years of harsh experiences as an adult, compared to a young child.

Her jaded personality and cynical lines of dialogue also suggest the perspective of someone older who has seen the darker sides of life first-hand. This streetwise orphan backstory is reinforced visually through her worn-down, piecemeal outfit stitching together scavenged materials. Everything about Maeve‘s presentation indicates a resourceful adult survivor, not a helpless child.

As someone familiar with hardship myself, I resonate strongly with Maeve‘s backstory. The pain and trauma she would have accumulated has shaped her into the powerful, ruthless damage dealer she is in the game‘s current timeline.

Voice Acting and Design Showcase Maturity

Maeve‘s voice actor is Jad Saxton, a voice actress known for portraying adult anime characters. Maeve‘s manner of speech in Paladins reflects Jad‘s talent in conveying the dry wit and subtle menace fitting for an adult.

Visually, Maeve has an athletic, curved figure contrasting the small child frames of champions like Willo. Along with her midriff-baring outfit and confident pose in portraits, everything about Maeve‘s design codes her as a mature woman, not an underage girl.

For reference, Paladins does have child characters such as the aforementioned Willo. But Maeve shares zero common visual traits or personality similarities with them. She simply does not fit the child archetype at all when analyzing her presentation holistically.

Deadly Abilities Befitting An Adult Powerhouse

As one of the top damage champions in Paladins, Maeve‘s vigorous combat abilities also indicate an level ofdeadly skill mastered over years of adult experience. Her twin daggers and nimble mobility lend themselves to a daring fighting style requiring peak human conditioning.

Some key stats showing Maeve‘s lethal prowess:

  • Up to 700 damage per second at base kit
  • Burst potential over 2000 damage in 2s with Midnight procs
  • Top 5 fastest base movement speed for flank champions

The following table compares Maeve‘s damage output to other top damage champions:

ChampionMax. DPSMobilityDifficulty
Maeve700HighVery High

As we can see, Maeve boasts damage-dealing capabilities on par with the top damage champions, combined with high mobility and mechanical skill required. Her mastery of stealth assassination and dual blades clearly takes years of dedicated combat training to perfect – strongly indicative of an adult proficient in their craft.

Developers: All Champions Are Adult Age

Finally, Maeve‘s status as an adult character is confirmed by Hi-Rez developers‘ statements that all current champions are considered adults aged 18+. While Maeve‘s precise age is undefined, we know for a fact she meets the minimum age limit of 18 set for the entire Paladins cast.

So taking all analyzed factors into account – backstory, visual design, voice acting, abilities, and developer guidelines – Maeve can undoubtedly be considered an adult champion, despite her exact age being unspecified. For devoted players like myself, these clues come together to show Maeve‘s maturity and life experience solidly code her as 18+ years old.


Through references to her formative backstory, mature voice and visual presentation, and mastery over deadly combat abilities intended for adult champions, the evidence conclusively points to Maeve being depicted as an adult character in Paladins.

While some player speculation about her age exists in the community, I hope this investigation has helped provide clarity and confirmation that Maeve can indeed be considered 18+ years old based on existing information. As someone who resonates strongly with Maeve‘s background myself, I have no doubts about the adult substance beneath her playful exterior.

So next time you face the stealthy cat burglar‘s blades out on the battleground, remember – you‘re up against a grown woman who has endured immense hardship, not a child!

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