Makima is Likely 22-25 Years Old Physically, But Her True Age is Unknown

As revealed in the Chainsaw Man manga, Makima is the Control Devil, an incredibly powerful entity that can manipulate people and events to her will. This gives rise to the question – just how old is she really?

At first glance, Makima appears to be a woman in her early to mid-20s, around 22-25 years old in terms of physical form and looks. She has the stature, physique, and general appearance consistent with someone in that age range.

However, given her nature as a Devil, Makima‘s true age could be far beyond what she projects to the outside world. As the embodiment of control itself, she may have the power to control her own aging and transform into any appearance she desires.

Let‘s analyze some of the key evidence around Makima‘s age and abilities:

Makima‘s Control Over Aging

As the Control Devil, Makima has incredibly far-reaching powers to manipulate people and events through commands and contracts. We‘ve seen her restrict the actions of humans and hybrids, as well as control environments and outcomes in chaotic battles.


Makima using her control powers in Chainsaw Man

This begs the question – can Makima control her own aging? Does she have dominion even over time itself?

While not conclusively proven, some fans theorize that Makima can likely control her biological aging if she desires, stopping or reversing it to assume any physical form. This means that while she resembles a young woman externally, her true age remains a mystery.

In chapter 81, she also makes references to eating the "Flesh of the Prime Minister", which could imply she inherits traits like slower aging from her victims. Her regeneration powers seem to also point to durability and longevity beyond normal humans.

Clues Pointing to Makima‘s True Age

Throughout the Chainsaw Man story, Makima drops hints that she may be far older than she appears:

  • In conversation with Kishibe, she makes references to historical events from over 100 years in the past in Japan as though she lived through them herself.
  • Her detailed knowledge of Devil hunters and history spanning several eras also suggests a lengthy life.
  • She keeps a photograph from World War 2 times, implying direct experience with that period.
  • As a primordial Devil, she would predate modern civilization itself.

While not conclusive, these clues encourage speculation that Makima could be a century or more in age as opposed to her early 20s look.

Makima‘s Patterns of Behavior and Personality

Analyzing Makima‘s personality and emotional intelligence can also hint at someone potentially older than a typical young adult:

  • She exhibits very high competence, strategic thinking and an uncanny ability to predict human behavior accurately – signs of wisdom and experience.
  • Her mannerisms, speech patterns and general composure also indicate maturity beyond her looks.
  • She has an extremely high level of self-control and discipline, not easy for impulsive youth.

Of course, as a manipulative devil, Makima innately has powers beyond humans. But her persona does align more with someone older than early 20s at heart.

Contrasting Perspectives on Makima‘s Age

Within the Chainsaw Man fandom, debates rage on about Makima‘s true age:

Early 20sPoints to her external looks and speech patterns fitting this age range
30-40 years oldConsiders her mental maturity closer to this; experience over looks
80+ years oldAccounts for historical hints; Minimum time as Control Devil
Ancient beingPrimordial entity pre-dating human history itself

As evident above, some fans take the clues around Makima‘s statements and emotional maturity more seriously to suggest she could be far older than early 20s.

Others focus purely on her physical appearance shown through most of the story, believing external aesthetics alone make her comparable to humans in their early to mid 20s.

Conclusion: Makima‘s Age is a Mysterious Blend of Control

Given all the analysis and perspectives, Makima seems to represent an intriguing blend of external beauty in her early 20s physical form combined with mental acumen and experience potentially across centuries at heart.

Her mystique and aura of control likely heightens her appeal and ability to influence those who encounter her – a key weapon for the Control Devil itself.

In that sense, Makima’s true age may be less important than the spell she manages to cast. And that perhaps is the real magic behind this iconic Chainsaw Man character, making her a fan favorite despite her villainous goals.

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