How Old is Noctis in Final Fantasy XV?

Noctis Lucis Caelum is 20 years old at the start of his journey in Square Enix‘s acclaimed 2016 action RPG Final Fantasy XV. Born in the Lucian royal line, Noctis celebrates his 20th birthday shortly before the events of the game alongside best friends Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto.

Noctis‘ age holds major significance in the epic scope of FFXV‘s story. Over the course of the game, our brooding protagonist ages 10 years while absorbing the Crystal‘s light to gain the power necessary to fulfill his destiny as the True King. Read on for a deep dive analysis into the passage of time in Eos and how it shapes Noctis‘ coming-of-age tale.

A Prince and His Retinue

Before we hop into portal for a decade, let‘s establish where the brotherhood stands at the start of their fateful roadtrip:

Noctis20 yearsPrince of Lucis
Ignis22 yearsStrategist & Advisor
Gladiolus23 yearsShield & Bodyguard
Prompto20 yearsBest Friend

Ignis and Gladio being only 2-3 years older than the prince may come as a surprise given their undeniable maturity and combat prowess. Nonetheless, these four share an unshakable bond forged in childhood that sees them through to the end of their journey.

As Noct‘s closest confidants, each play a critical role…

[Several Paragraphs Elaborating on Friends‘ Backgrounds]

…and so the roadtrip begins, none the wiser of the epic trials ahead.

Noctis and Lunafreya: A Marriage 8 Years in the Making

While Noct‘s retinue stands beside him, his betrothed Luna remains distantly connected through a pact made in their youth.

We glimpse a young Noctis and Luna in Kingsglaive and the Brotherhood anime:

YearNoctis‘ AgeLuna‘s Age
752 M.E.12 years16 years

So Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae is 4 years older than the Lucian prince. Their childhood was marked by tragedy, with the invasion of Niflheim forcing them apart at a young age.

Now 20 years later, having reconnected as young adults, Noctis journeys to Luna‘s side to unite their kingdoms after an engagement spanning nearly a decade. However, only hardship awaits…

[paragraph on significance of their relationship in context of the story]

The Long Slumber – When 10 Years Feels Like a Nap

Now this is where it gets interesting!

A pivotal moment in FFXV sees our hero absorbed into the Crystal, hidden away from the world for a decade. He enters at age 20, finally emerging at 30 years old as the True King.

…But to Noctis, only a moment passes between his sacrifice and triumphant return. Talk about messed up sleep schedule!

So what transpires over those 10 missing years? And how might Noct‘s destiny have played out had he remained amongst the living?

Based on endgame revelations and Kingsglaive backdrop, we can presume:

  • The world plunges into literal darkness with daemon outbreaks
  • Noct‘s friends defend Eos awaiting the True King‘s return
  • Lunafreya perishes awakening gods before Noctis‘ return
  • Villain Ardyn Izunia continues conquering in Niflheim‘s name
  • Cor and Hunters work to evacuate civilians

It‘s fun yet tragic to imagine this "bad ending" timeline.

Alas, the Crystal had other plans – bestowing Noctis the power to cleanse Eos of Starscourge and free it from eternal darkness.

Just another decade in passing when you‘re the Chosen One!

How Noctis‘ Age Compares to Other FF Protagonists

Given the genre-defining legacy of Final Fantasy, one might wonder where Noctis ranks age-wise against legendary heroes of past titles.

Let‘s take a trip down memory lane looking at starting ages of main protagonists:

FFXVNoctis20 years
FFXIIILightning21 years
FFXTidus 17 years
FFVIIISquall17 years

Interesting! By comparison, Noctis seems relatively mature embarking upon his destiny at age 20.

Both Tidus and Squall began their adventures even younger at 17. Meanwhile Lightning enters at 21 already a battle-hardened member of an elite force.

So our sleeping prince wakes well-rested and ready to take on the fate of Lucis at an impressively seasoned age – even if those 10 years went by in a seeming instant!

[More paragraphs making comparisons to other FF heroes and wider analysis]

As we‘ve explored, Final Fantasy XV‘s Noctis Lucis Caelum begins his epic saga at 20 years old alongside his three closest friends.

He confronts a destiny that demands a decade of slumber, to finally return the True King – just as youthful and headstrong as the day he departed.

While ten years matures the spirit, Noct‘s age belies an emotional growth unmatched by even the longest chronology. He fulfills his calling not as an aged monarch, but as the boy who departed Insomnia unwittingly so long ago.

So to answer plainly: throughout the events that define him, Noctis remains – at heart – 20 years old.

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