How Old is Oryx, The Taken King in Destiny 2?

As a Destiny lore expert and passionate gamer, this is a question I get asked a lot by fans eager to understand one of the game‘s most powerful and iconic villains. After analyzing all the available information across the Destiny grimoire and in-game scans, the answer is clear:

Oryx is ancient, with his origins dating back over 4.6 billion years.

Piecing Together Oryx‘s Timeline

I arrived at this stunning conclusion based on clues found aboard his massive warship, the Dreadnaught. Ghost scans of a large statue of Oryx indicate that it is older than our entire solar system:

"This statue is old, incredibly old. It must predate our solar system by…billions of years."

Considering our sun and planets coalesced over 4.6 billion years ago, this suggests Oryx himself originates from an era even more ancient.

As a passionate lore scholar, moments like this send chills down my spine. It reminds me of just how expansive and mysterious the Destiny universe truly is. There are secrets buried in its past that stretch back across aeons…

From Aurash to Auryx, the Transformation to Oryx

Of course, Oryx was not always the imposing Hive deity we know him as today. He began life as a proto-Hive female named Aurash, living on floating continents on the gas giant Fundament.

After a complex series of rituals and bargains with the parasitic Worm Gods, Aurash was reborn as Auryx, eventually becoming the all-powerful Taken King himself.

So in essence, while Oryx as a demonic god-figure is likely "only" a few million years old, his origins trace back billions of years further!

Oryx‘s Legacy Across the Stars

In my opinion, Oryx‘s incredible backstory raises so many questions:

  • What secrets did he witness in those early eons of the universe?
  • How many now-extinct civilizations did he destroy?
  • What primal forces or eldritch beings did he commune with outside our galaxy?

Destiny‘s lore gives us fragments, but the full picture still proves elusive. As a content creator, I am determined to keep digging!

This rich backstory is part of what makes Oryx such an iconic villain. His existence ties together so many threads of Destiny‘s underlying mythos. Even slain at our hands in his Throne World, his influence persists through actions of his cursed bloodline.

For now, all we can do is keep shining a light on the secrets of eras long past. If you find any new clues in your battles against the Taken or Hive, please share them my way!

As for Oryx‘s next re-emergence…only time will tell!

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