Paz Ortega Andrade‘s Enigmatic Age in Metal Gear Solid V

Pacifica Ocean, better known as Paz Ortega Andrade, is one of the most fascinating and mysterious characters across the Metal Gear saga. This analytical deep dive will examine Paz‘s obscured age in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, synthesizing details from across multiple games to determine she was likely in her early 30s.

Key Takeaways on Paz‘s Age:

  • Early 30s in 1984 during MGSV based on Peace Walker backstory
  • Details suggesting younger ages are non-canon humor or misdirection
  • Exact age left unclear, perhaps deliberately on Kojima‘s part

Establishing a Baseline: 1974 Peace Walker Era

Paz‘s earliest canonical appearance is in the 2010 PSP game Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, set in 1974. Here she plays the role of a Costa Rican schoolgirl to infiltrate Big Boss‘ MSF mercenary group, acting as a triple agent for both Cipher and KGB. Paz states she is "a bit past 20 years old" when first introduced.

So if we establish 1974 as a baseline, Paz would be born prior to 1954 at minimum. Even if she was exaggerating her age slightly to appear more innocent, mid-20s would still be a reasonable estimate for her actual age at this time.

Contradictions Abound in 1975 Ground Zeroes

The next installment, Ground Zeroes in 1975, muddies the waters on her age considerably. While interacting with a captive Chico, 13, her dialogue and dynamic portray Paz as the superior adult in the exchange.

Yet later we learn Ground Zeroes occurs a mere one day prior to Metal Gear Solid V!

So how could Paz regress 10 years overnight? Kojima leaves it a mystery, and further obscures things with the infamous "Date with Paz" Side Op in MGSV suggesting she‘s only 16.

Table Comparing Paz‘s Age Across Games

YearGameStated AgeActual Age (Estimate)
1974Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker"A bit past 20 years old"21-25 years old
1975Metal Gear Solid V: Ground ZeroesImplied early-mid 20s from dialogue and behaviorEarly-mid 20s
1975Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"16 years old" per Date with Paz Side OpEarly 30s based on Peace Walker backstory

Unlocking the Mystery: Phantom Pain and Beyond

As we can see, the only definitive age reference for Paz is from Peace Walker in 1974. Thus for MGSV in 1984, for Paz to actually be 16 as teased in an easter egg Side Op would require rewriting not just her backstory, but also several years of in-game history!

Clearly the "16 year old" references serve Kojima‘s twisted humor rather than canonical fact. Even if she physically de-aged, the maturity she shows in Ground Zeroes and Peace Walker cannot be erased.

We can thereby conclusively presume Paz to be near or into her 30s as of The Phantom Pain in 1984 – certainly not a minor. Any evidence to the contrary is to be dismissed as non-canon frivolity. Case closed!

…Or is it? A hallucinatory Paz haunts Venom Snake at points in MGSV as well, muddying details further. Is this the real Paz, frozen in time from 10 years prior? An idealized memory? Or something else entirely? As with most things Metal Gear, definitive answers lie just out of reach.

In keeping with Kojima tradition, determining Paz‘s age becomes its own enigma-fueled subplot. Is she a manipulative adult spy? A tortured teenager caught up in war? Something else entirely? Players must confront their own judgments and assumptions in the absence of concrete proof.

And that deeper quest for truth amidst deception and self-deception is the true heart of Metal Gear. In the end, chronological age signifies little for Paz or any character. What matters lies deeper still.

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