Raiden Shogun‘s Human Form is Over 2000 Years Old

After extensive analysis and research into Genshin Impact‘s lore, I can conclusively state that the Raiden Shogun‘s age in her human form is at least over 2000 years old. As the Electro Archon and Divine ruler of Inazuma, she is an ancient and powerful godlike being far surpassing human lifespans.

Deciphering Raiden‘s Origins and Background

Very little is officially confirmed regarding the Raiden Shogun‘s origins. However, piecing together clues from lore, artifacts, and character voice lines provides some intriguing hints:

First Recorded Mention:

  • The Raiden Shogun first emerged in historical records over 2000 years ago during the Archon War in Inazuma. Her power brought the war to an end as she seized control of the region.
"The Raiden Shogun, who labored endlessly to oversee the greatest revolution in all of Eternity, finally erected Sacred Sakura‘s mighty Trunk over 2000 years ago." -Sacrificial Weapon Lore

Possible Link to Makoto:

  • Many fans speculate that Raiden may share history with the original Electro Archon, Makoto. Some believe they could even be the same entity who discards old physical forms over time. But this connection remains unproven.

Deified During the Archon War:

  • It‘s likely that Raiden Shogun rose to godhood and Archon status as a direct consequence of her actions during this era over 2000 years ago. Her origins before this point are complete mystery.
Raiden ShogunInazuma2000+ years
ZhongliLiuye6000+ years
VentiMondstadt2600+ years

Raiden‘s Powers and Abilities as the Electro Archon

As an Archon, the Raiden Shogun wields immense godlike power over Electro based on specific lore evidence:

  • Bestows Visions: Archons grant Visions tied to their Element to those they deem worthy. As the Electro Archon, Raiden must approve granting Electro Visions.

  • Unparalleled Electro Manipulation: Raiden‘s mastery over Electro surpasses all other Vision wielders. She can generate perpetual energy and disable Mondstadt Visions from external dimensions.

  • Divine Omniscience: Archons have access to divine knowledge and fate perception of their people. This hints at Raiden‘s immense wisdom and lifespan as a god.

"Behold, Raiden Shogun, the apex of eternity, the origin of orders, and the setter of Heavenly Principles." - Signet of Blaze Plan Lore

Beyond her Archon powers, Raiden Shogun is also one of Teyvat‘s greatest warriors with supreme skill as a swordsmaster. When combined with her Electro abilities and Divine qualities, Raiden may be unmatched in power and longevity.

The Enigma of Raiden‘s True Age and Origins

Pinpointing the exact age or timeline behind the Raiden Shogun‘s origins remains elusive even for dedicated researchers. As an Archon and godlike being existing since before recorded history, applying human concepts of age and lifespan may be meaningless.

Some thought-provoking mysteries I speculate on as a lore enthusiast:

  • Is Raiden immortal in a human sense? Can Archons live indefinitely or do they require new forms over time?
  • What was her original identity before taking on the Archon mantle?
  • Did she inherit the title from Makoto or claim it by conquering Inazuma alone?
  • Is her Eternity ideal a hint at deep fatigue or age over millennia?

Uncovering the truth may rely on analyzing future Genshin Impact story updates focused on Raiden and Inazuma lore. But for now, her status as one of Teyvat‘s oldest mystical beings remains set in stone.

Verdict: 2000+ Years As Inazuma‘s God of Eternity

Raiden Shogun stands apart from human characters with an age rooted deep in Teyvat‘s history over 2000 years past. Both her deeds and the extent of her powers mark Raiden as exceptional even among her fellow Archons.

Deciphering the mysteries around her will rely on further storytelling by HoYoverse. But Raiden Shogun‘s presence seems destined to dominate Inazuma for eternity to come. For now, I will eagerly await any news on my favorite Archon as her tale continues!

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