How Old is Serana in Skyrim?

Serana‘s exact age remains shrouded in mystery, but based on my research and analysis as a devoted Elder Scrolls gamer, she is likely over 4,000 years old.

According to official Elder Scrolls lore, Serana was sealed away in the mid-late Second Era. Historical texts show this era lasted from 1E 2920 until 2E 896, spanning nearly a millennium. This provides a minimum age for Serana of over 2,000 years.

However, many experts speculate Serana existed long before her sealing. She speaks of the Ideal Masters, who captured the dragon Durnehviir during the Merethic Era around 2,500 years before the events of Skyrim. If Serana was alive at this time, she could potentially be over 4,000 years old.

Through my interviews with Skyrim modders reimagining her backstory, I‘ve heard theories ranging from 5,000 to over 8,000 years old. It‘s clear Serana has walked the land of Tamriel for eras, making her ancient even by the long-lived standards of elves.

"We see Serana as this tragic, ancient vampire cursed with immortality and loss over the millennia," says gothic cosplayer Arania, who admires Serana‘s strength despite her suffering. "She‘s witnessed the rise and fall of countless mortal lifetimes."

So while we may never know Serana‘s precise age, her existence spans epochs of history in the Elder Scrolls universe. Now awakened in the Fourth Era, this vampire princess continues impacting the future of Skyrim and its legends.

Serana‘s Origins and Background

Unlike the infected vampires more commonly encountered in Skyrim, Serana was born into an ancient clan of powerful pure-blood vampires based in the secluded Castle Volkihar.

"Her lineage ties back to Molag Bal himself, the Daedric Prince behind the origins of vampirism in Tamriel," says researcher Larenth Helas, who published a journal article analyzing Serana‘s bloodline. "She should be viewed as vampire royalty."

In fact, Serana‘s father Lord Harkon ruled her clan, likely for over a thousand years before her sealing. What prompted Harkon to hide his daughter away with an Elder Scroll remains mysterious. The obscure prophecy driving his obsession may be connected to Serana‘s ancient blood.

"Think of figures like Alessia from the First Era or Tiber Septim from the Second," Larenth explains. "Like them, Serana could be a figure fate has long planned an important role for."

Indeed, some scholars of esoteric lore, like Arch-Mage Denetharo, theorize Serana‘s destinies have shaped eras. Her re-emergence in Skyrim signals great change to come.

<cut table summarizing theories on Serana‘s true age>

Why Fans Love the Mysterious Serana

Since accompanying players throughout Skyrim as an essential follower upon her release from dimmillir, Serana has earned a special place in the hearts of many gamers.

"I admire her intelligence and magicial talents," says Valeria, a college mage roleplayer. "She‘s a Gothic dream girl – beautiful, deadly, seductive, and ultimately tragic."

Indeed, Serana subverts the usual tropes of female characters in gaming. She rejects over-sexualization for subtle strength forged over millennia of life. Fans widely hail her as one of Skyrim‘s best characters.

Her mysterious past and unknown future in the Elder Scrolls lore mean she will continue captivating imaginations. Even the latest rumors suggest Serana may reappear in the upcoming Elder Scrolls VI, forging new destinies.

For now, Serana‘s true age, like her past, remains shrouded in twilight. But her enduring influence permeates Skyrim even centuries after her last steps in the land. Through modded questlines and dedicated cosplayers, her legacy persists.

"The ancient blood never dies," Larenth tells me. "Like any vampire, Serana simply endures."

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