Atreus is About 14 Years Old and 5‘5‘‘ to 5‘7‘‘ Tall in God of War Ragnarök

As an avid God of War fan and content creator, one of the most common questions I‘ve gotten recently is just how old and tall Atreus has grown between the last game and Ragnarök. So let‘s take a deep dive into the numbers!

Right off the bat – Atreus was around 11 years old in 2018‘s God of War. In Ragnarök, which takes place roughly 3 years later, he‘s aged up to about 14.

In terms of height, by comparing Atreus to other characters and environments, fans have estimated he‘s between 5‘5‘‘ and 5‘7‘‘ in the new game. So just on the cusp of a major teenage growth spurt!

Now let‘s look at some more background on our boy Atreus, how he‘s matured between games, and what we might expect from him height and power-wise in the future…

Tracking Atreus‘s Age Across the God of War Timeline

As many fans know, the new God of War games are set in ancient Scandinavia during the lead up to the prophesied Norse apocalypse Ragnarök. According to the legends described by the wise head Mimir, this apocalyptic event is preceded by the Fimbulwinter – a perilous winter lasting three years.

In the 2018 God of War reboot, Fimbulwinter has just begun. By Ragnarök, Mimir confirms three years have now passed. So we can safely assume a three year gap between games in real-world time.

  • Atreus was first introduced as an 11 year old accompanying his father Kratos at the start of their mythic Norse quest in God of War
  • God of War Ragnarök picks up three winters later, just as Fimbulwinter draws to a close
  • So Atreus has naturally aged around three years between games – making him roughly 14 years old now

In many ways, despite being so young, Atreus has already endured an epic hero‘s journey over the past three years. He‘s faced off against gods and monsters, discovered shocking truths about his family‘s past and fate, and shown immense courage and growth. With so much already under his belt, Atreus is truly wise beyond his years.

And as anyone whose met a 14 year old boy knows – they grow and mature practically overnight! Next let‘s look at…

How Much Taller Has Atreus Grown Between Games?

In the original God of War, Atreus was depicted as a short but scrappy child. No confirmed height was provided, but observing his stature compared to Kratos and other characters, general estimates put him between 4‘ and 4‘6‘‘ at age 11.

By Ragnarök three years later, 14 year old Atreus is nearly unrecognizable – sporting longer hair, a bow that now extends well above his head, and most noticeably, a huge growth spurt!

Fans have compared Atreus‘s new height relative to Kratos and other landmarks to produce rough estimates:

  • Kratos‘s height is confirmed as 6‘4‘‘ (or 1.93 meters)
  • Atreus now appears to stand nearly up to Kratos‘s shoulder
  • Most estimates for Atreus fall between 5‘5‘‘ and 5‘7‘‘ currently

That means over the past three years, Atreus has likely grown over a foot to 16 inches taller as he rockets through puberty. No doubt thanks to those strong giant genes from momma Faye!

And at just 14, he still has another huge upward growth phase ahead…

Projecting Atreus‘s Future Height as an Adult

Given his unique parentage as the son of Greek demigod Kratos and Jötnar giantess Faye, Atreus is destined to become extraordinarily tall and powerful. After all, he is fated to take on the mantle of Loki – the notoriously cunning trickster god in Norse myth.

As a half-giant, all signs point to Atreus one day towering over his father Kratos through additional magical growth spurts. Some speculation on his maximum adult size:

  • Faye, his mother, has been depicted in murals and official art as 6‘1‘‘ to 6‘3‘‘ in height
  • As the God of War, Kratos could grow to over 500 feet in size during his Greek era
  • The Greek titan Thamur, whose corpse features in the 2018 game, is suggested to be the tallest giant encountered so far
  • Therefore, based on his lineage, Atreus may achieve comparable or greater stature one day

This means an adult Atreus could potentially stand anywhere from 7 to 15+ feet if he fully taps into his mystical giant and godly powers. Though of course, this remains purely speculative!

To help visualize just how enormously tall Atreus might become, here‘s a quick height comparison chart:

Faye (Atreus‘s Mother)6‘3‘‘
Angrboða (Atreus‘s Future Partner)Potentially 15‘+
Thamur the GiantLargest Giant So Far
Kratos as God of War500 Feet

No matter his exact adult measurements, it‘s clear Atreus still has a LOT of room left to sprout as he grows into Loki‘s role. Which brings us to…

How Atreus‘s Age and Size Might Progress in Future Games

Ragnarök leaves off on a bittersweet note for Atreus. While triumphing over many threats, he also suffers the apparent loss of his father. Assuming Kratos does not return, Atreus would have to fully take up his mantle going forward.

  • The next game could feature a late-teens Atreus questing solo or alongside allies
  • We may witness another growth spurt edging him closer to a towering adult height
  • Atreus could also begin demonstrating more of his innate magical talents
  • Eventually, he may partner up with the half-giant Angrboða and father his own infamous children
  • All building his power until emerging as the strategic trickster god Loki

After following this incredible young hero through childhood into adolescence, it would be thrilling to guide Atreus through such a coming of age period. How cool would it be to witness firsthand his physical and supernatural transformations into a mystical, giant-sized god?

In summary – Atreus has just entered an iconic phase as a growing teenage demigod, both in terms of age and height. While already mighty after the events of Ragnarök, he likely has so much more room to evolve. I can‘t wait to see howthis beloved character continues progressing through what will undoubtedly prove an earth-shatteringly epic divine puberty!

Let me know your own thoughts and predictions on Atreus, his growth, and what you hope to see next for our boy in future God of War sequels!

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