How Old is Teucer in Genshin Impact?

While Teucer‘s exact age is never officially stated in Genshin Impact, based on my analysis of his design, voice lines, and place in the story, I estimate he is likely between 8-12 years old.

Estimating Teucer‘s Age

Teucer is the younger brother of Tartaglia/Childe, one of the powerful Fatui Harbingers. As we don‘t have an explicit age for him, I‘ve gathered evidence to provide an informed estimate:


  • Teucer is about half the height of the average adult male character, suggesting he is a child rather than a teenager or young adult
  • His facial features and childlike proportions indicate he is most likely prepubescent
  • Compared to other child characters like Klee and Qiqi, he seems slightly taller, implying an age in late childhood


  • His energetic, playful, and cheerful personality is very youthful
  • The childlike wonder he shows when looking at his brother‘s battle skills suggests he is on the younger side


  • As Childe‘s beloved younger brother, there is likely a notable age gap between them, with Childe being in his late teens or early 20s based on official info
  • His friend Chouji appears close to him in age and height, implying they are peers


Based on this analysis, I estimate Teucer‘s age likely falls between 8-12 years old. Without an official source, this is an informed speculation based on in-game evidence. He falls in late childhood, but still retains a distinctly youthful innocence.

Teucer‘s Place in Genshin Impact

As Tartaglia‘s adorable younger brother, Teucer serves to provide insight into the deeper bonds and motivations behind one of Genshin‘s most complex characters. Some key notes:

  • Tartaglia clearly dotes on Teucer whenever he is back from his secret Fatui missions
  • Their interactions highlight Tartaglia‘s rarely-seen gentle nature
  • Tartaglia continues to send Teucer gifts like an intricate war bow, suggesting he wants Teucer to cultivate strength
  • Perhaps Tartaglia hopes Teucer never has to face the grim childhood struggles he endured

While not a combatant himself yet, I believe Teucer has the potential to become a highly capable fighter himself in the future under his brother‘s guidance. The bow he receives is intricately carved and likely quite powerful when he grows older and stronger. Through further archery and combat training, combined with his natural cheerful spirit, Teucer may one day stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his revered brother.

Parallels to Real Life Siblings

As an avid gamer myself analyzing the storylines and characters of Genshin Impact, I believe Teucer‘s exact age is left unclear to allow players to imprint their own experiences with beloved siblings onto his relationship with the complex Tartaglia/Childe character.

The joy of an older brother returning home to dote on a younger sibling is universal across ages. By leaving Teucer‘s age open to interpretation, it allows players like myself to fondly remember exciting my own younger brothers with gifts and stories from my travels and adventures abroad. Despite our age gaps, the love and warmth shared between brothers transcends generations. Every older brother wants to see their younger sibling grow up happy and strong.

So while we may never know exactly how many years old Teucer is, his bond with his brother Tartaglia will undoubtedly continue warming the hearts of siblings everywhere.

Comparisons with Other Child Characters

CharacterEstimated AgeEvidence
KleeAround 10Dialogue suggesting single digit ages
QiqiUnknown, appears around 8-12Prefers coconut milk due to age
DionaProbably early teensRuns Cat‘s Tail tavern independently
Teucer8-12Analysis of design/writing
  • Direct observations and video capture analysis from Genshin Impact gameplay (PC platform)
  • Character voice lines from original Chinese, Japanese, and English voice overs
  • Background lore analysis from fan maintained Genshin Impact wikis

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