The 20 Year-Old Record Holder: Oldest Zelda from Twilight Princess

As an avid Zelda gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked – how old is the oldest Princess Zelda across the series? Well, according to the official guide for Twilight Princess, that Zelda clocks in at 20 years old. Making her the oldest verifiable version of the iconic princess so far!

Twilight Princess Zelda holds plenty of responsibility as the reigning monarch of Hyrule. Yet she still finds time for moments of fun like playfully pushing Link from time to time. And this more mature Zelda sports one of the most elaborate character designs as well, featuring elegant black and gold accents.

Now, Twilight Princess Link is depicted to be around the same late teen age. In fact, many fans speculate that his physical maturation hints at a deeper romantic connection with the princess! But more on possible Zelda love interests later…

First, let‘s survey just how wide the net of Zelda ages is cast throughout the series:

  • Ocarina of Time Zelda – 11 years old
  • Wind Waker Zelda – 12 years old
  • Skyward Sword Zelda – 16 years old
  • Breath of the Wild Zelda – Biologically 17 years old, but chronologically 117 years old!

The Mystery of Link‘s Unaging in Breath of the Wild

Breath of the Wild‘s Zelda raises interesting timeline questions – how can she be over a century old, yet still appear as a teenage girl? Well, as we know, she spent those years in stasis while healing and holding back Calamity Ganon.

The same goes for her stalwart knight, Link. He remained the exact same age while slumbering for 100 years – explainable by the mystical Shrine of Resurrection halting his natural aging.

But Link‘s unaging is a broader franchise phenomenon too. For example, the Link in Ocarina of Time is surprised to find himself physically grown to an adult after his 7 year slumber. So across legends, Links seems immune to normal chronological aging!

Perhaps this timeless hero quality relates to the fan theory that different Links are reincarnations of the original spirit. And each incarnation is reborn with the eternal courage and heroic bloodline of the Goddess Hylia‘s champion. Makes you wonder just how old Link‘s spirit truly is…

Who Has Link Loved Across the Ages?

Conversation often arises around just who amongst the colorful cast of Zelda characters has managed to steal the stoic hero‘s heart.

The most obvious candidate is Princess Zelda herself – though never explicitly confirmed by Nintendo, hints are dropped throughout many of the games. Like Zelda‘s visible intimacy towards Link in Spirit Tracks, or her displayed jealousy towards Paya‘s affection in Breath of the Wild.

Another popular theory is that Link held a torch for Marin from Link‘s Awakening back in the day – which would explain his wistful departure from Koholint Island after waking from his dream.

However, Link remains tight-lipped as ever on the matter of his love life. Perhaps such worldly connections would undermine his fated role as the goddess‘s eternal champion!

Or maybe Link simply puts duty before all else, as suggested by Zelda‘s diary in Breath of the Wild:

"He never speaks. Yet his silence speaks volumes."

Link‘s Family Ties – Any Truth to the Sibling Speculation?

Another topic of speculation is whether any familial connection exists between Link and Zelda – namely if they could be siblings.

Non-canonical Zelda media like the 80s cartoon float this idea – but Nintendo themselves have never outright confirmed it.

The closest known blood relation of Link‘s is actually his little sister Aryll from Wind Waker. Beyond that, not much is concrete around Link‘s ancestry or living relatives.

But given Hylia‘s divine connection to both her champion Link and the royal line of princess Zeldas, I like to think they share an ethereal, almost cosmic bond!

Zelda Often Towers Over Her Hero

On a lighter note – I crunched the numbers, and in most Zelda games, the princess is distinctly taller than her appointed knight:

GameZelda‘s HeightLink‘s Height
Ocarina of Time5‘ 7‘‘5‘ 3‘‘
Twilight Princess5‘ 8‘‘5‘ 6‘‘
Skyward Sword5‘ 6‘‘5‘ 7‘‘

As we can see, Link is certainly on the shorter side relative to the typically long-limbed princess Zelda. Perhaps representational of her wisdom and experience compared to Link‘s youth and humble beginnings.

The one outlier is their Skyloft incarnations from Skyward Sword, where Link edges Zelda out in height by a single inch!

What could explain this deviation where Link towered over Zelda for once? Well, Skyward Sword was for the Nintendo Wii which used motion controls. Perhaps having Link appear larger and stronger aided that leap to full-body immersive gameplay?

Lingering Mysteries – Zelda‘s True Name and Link‘s Refusal to Speak

Even after 19 games and over 30 years of adventures, our courageous duo still hold some mysteries. Like – what is Zelda‘s last name? How is she related to the royal Hyrule bloodline?

And why does the normally talkative cast surrounding Link seem content to carry on one-sided conversations with his perpetual silence?

Well as confirmed in an interview, Zelda‘s full name is apparently "Princess Zelda Hyrule"! (Though wouldn‘t that get confusing in royal decrees?)

As for our quiet hero – Zelda speculates it‘s Link‘s stoic way of staying strong for others. But perhaps his silent treatment is also a coping mechanism…one that helps dull the painful memories accrued over countless resurrections and tragedies seen.

So while the name "Link" now carries an unmatched legacy, it seems the spirit within still aches from the heavy burdens of his destiny. At least Princess Zelda remains ever patient and compassionate with her legendary hero!

So there you have it friends – the best answers I can give for how old is the oldest Zelda, plus juicy insights and analysis around the ages of Link and Zelda throughout Hyrule‘s extensive lore! Let me know your own theories in the comments. And watch this space for more in-depth dives into our favorite pointy-eared power duo!

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