How old is tornado?

At a petite figure standing five feet tall, an innocent face, and a penchant for Lolita fashion dresses, Tornado appears to be in her early teens. This youthful aesthetic often fools villains and fellow heroes alike into thinking she is but a harmless little girl. But make no mistake – behind that misleading facade lies one of the strongest and most seasoned veterans in the Hero Association program.

A Decade Plus of Monster Mayhem

While characters often assume her to be the junior sidekick to her older-looking sister Blizzard of Hell, Tornado is in fact the senior hero at 28 years old with over 10 years of hazardous hero work under her belt. For comparison, Blizzard is 23 and only became S-Class three years ago. So not only does Tornado have the advantage in age and tenure within the S-Class top ranks, but her exploits and feats also showcase a level of skill unmatched by any other current hero.

Rapid Rise to Dominance

In analyzing historical records, Tornado‘s unprecedented abilities became evident early in her adolescence. She would first display raw telekinetic talents by age 12, able to psionically lift massive objects hundreds of times her weight. After presumably honing her skills under the tutelage of the legendary hero Blast in her early teens, she rapidly gained recognition taking on demon-level threats solo at just 16 years old – a full 6 years before most heroes even debut!

The following table summarizes key milestones over her storied career:

12 years oldEarly telekinetic displays lifting 2 tons
14 years oldTakes out first Tiger threat solo
16 years oldReaches A-Class rank #1
18 years oldPromoted to S-Class rank #2
18-28 years old10+ years defending S-Class rank

For a hero to debut and rise up both the A-Class and S-Class ranks by age 18, all while balancing studies, displays prodigious talents beyond any hero previously recorded.

What‘s Behind Her Next-Level Abilities?

While some heroes like Caped Baldy seemingly acquired unbelievable strength overnight, Tornado has continuously improved her skills through rigorous decade-long training programs focused on concentration, precision, and range.

But raw talent coupled with determination alone cannot fully explain abilities like telekinetically lifting entire cities as adults struggle to even lift cars. Many speculate her unprecedented psionic capabilities point to genetic augmentation from the Hero Association or perhaps a certain doting father figure…

Rumored to have been taken under the wing of the legendary Blast himself in her early years, Tornado potentially stands to inherit the company and confidential powers of the #1 mystery hero should he ever retire. Perhaps dear old dad passed down more than just heroic ideals?

S-Class Stalwart

Regardless of origins, Tornado cemented her credentials defeating hundreds of disaster level Demon monsters and even Dragon-level threats by age 20 – all solo without needing the aid of other heroes. Her continued 10-year dominance holding the distinguished S-Class rank #2 spot further validates her position as one of the most powerful heroes to ever debut.

While hotshots like Metal Knight and young upstarts like Blizzard of Hell may occasionally shift past her in the official rankings, Tornado has remained a mainstay in the S-Class upper tier for over a decade thanks to her seniority and reliability taking on the most fearsome threats. Her wealth of experience serves as an invaluable asset to the Hero Association both tactically on the battlefield and in a mentorship capacity to less seasoned heroes.

So while newer fans may just see a cute childlike heroine, seasoned veterans recognize Tornado as the trailblazed prodigy – a decade-long S-Class powerhouse who continues to inspire future generations of heroes striving towards greatness against all odds. At just 28, her best years may still lie ahead as she remains driven to surpass even the legendary Blast some day!

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