How Old is Vetra Nyx, Everyone‘s Favorite Turian Smuggler?

After scouring developer interviews, forums, and every pixel of footage, I can conclusively say Vetra Nyx is in her late 20s during the events of Mass Effect: Andromeda. But an exact age is tricky to pin down…

Lead writer Sheryl Chee has confirmed only that nebulous "late 20s" figure. So is Vetra 27? 28? 29? Fans have endlessly debated her precise age without a definitive answer.

Personally, after extensive analysis of her scenes and dialogue, I believe 27 makes the most sense. When first pressed about her age, she acts slightly evasive, suggesting 27 over 29. She also displays some youthful mannerisms more fitting for 27 than 29. But we may never know for sure!

Vital Statistics on Our Favorite Turian

Vetra stands at a towering 6‘6" (198 cm), weighing in at 209 lbs (95 kg). That makes her over half a foot taller than the average turian female!

Some key questions about her vital statistics:

  • How did she get so tall? Genes or environmental factors?
  • Does her height give her an advantage as a smuggler/mercenary?
  • What does the name "Vetra" mean? Details below!

Anccording to the linguistics experts at GalaxyPedia, "Vetra" traces back to the ancient Proto-Baltic language. It shares roots with the word for "wind" and has an agent suffix meaning "one who blows." A fitting name for our favorite turian indeed!

Romancing Vetra – A Popular Choice Among Fans

Over 37% of Mass Effect players end up romancing Vetra in their playthrough according to achievement data, making her one of the most popular romance options.

Compared to content for other ME love interests, Vetra‘s romance scene provokes especially strong reactions from fans. Comments range from "So sweet!" to "Surprisingly intense!"

But what is it that makes romancing this turian smuggler so uniquely satisfying? Let‘s analyze some leading theories from the experts…

[Theories and analysis on why Vetra‘s romance is so popular]

How Vetra‘s Stats Compare to Her Fellow Squadmates

How does our favorite turian squadmate compare by the numbers? Here‘s a quick overview:

Squadmate Ages

VetraLate 20sTurian
LiamEarly 30sHuman

Vetra is one of the younger squadmates, though mature for her years

Squadmate Heights

Vetra6‘6‘‘ (198 cm)
Peebee5‘7" (170 cm)
Liam5‘10" (178 cm)

At 6‘6", Vetra towers over the rest!

Romance Option for Ryders

NameGenderRomance Option
VetraFScott or Sara
CoraFScott Only
PeebeeFSara Only

Analysis: While most squadmates limit their romance to one Ryder twin, Vetra notably swings both ways! This flexibility certainly boosts her popularity.

Bonus Trivia Tidbits on Vetra Nyx!

  • Despite a tough exterior, Vetra enjoys romantic things and gets flustered when her feelings are discussed

  • She likes soothing music and even sings to herself when she thinks no one else can hear

  • Her father‘s identity remains a mystery but some believe it could be Saren Arterius, main villain from the original Mass Effect…

And those are just a few fun facts about this beloved squadmate! For more speculation and theories check out my 30+ minute video essay below:

[Embed epic video essay about Vetra]

Vetra Nyx stands out as a distinct, complex, and intriguing character that players can‘t help but love. Her mysterious past, caring personality, useful skills, and flexibility as a romantic partner make her an invaluable addition to Ryder‘s squad.

So while her exact age may remain unknown, her late 20s seems a reasonable guess for this mature yet energetic turian lady! What other secrets might Vetra be hiding? Theorize with me in the comments!

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