How Old is Yae Miko in Genshin Impact?

Yae Miko is an ancient kitsune (fox spirit) in the world of Teyvat who has lived for at least 500 years. As a supernatural being, her exact age is unknown but estimates place her at around half a millennium old based on lore and dialogues in Genshin Impact.

Tracing Yae Miko‘s Origins

As the head priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine in Inazuma, Yae Miko is a revered figure in local folklore and legends. Stories of the wily guuji with mysterious powers have been passed down for generations.

Her elegance and playful personality masks great wisdom and knowledge accrued over centuries of life experiences as a kitsune.

I speculate that Yae Miko was born in or before the late 1500s based on the following:

  • She witnessed the cataclysmic event 500 years ago when the Raiden Shogun implemented the Vision Hunt Decree after her sister Makoto‘s death.
  • She has been the head priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine for several lifetimes.
  • As an immortal kitsune, her lifespan is comparable to adepti like Mountain Shaper in Liyue who are thousands of years old.

Yae Miko‘s Role and Responsibilities

As the head priestess, Yae Miko oversees the Grand Narukami Shrine and manages the Yae Publishing House.

She serves as a close friend, advisor and confidante to the Raiden Shogun, having stood by her side for centuries.

Yae Miko plays a pivotal role maintaining the rich cultural and historical traditions of Inazuma passed down through generations.

Yae Miko‘s Appearance and Personality

Despite her venerable age, Yae Miko retains a youthful appearance reflecting her kitsune physiology. She has long pinkish white hair tied into twin tails and typically dresses in the crimson outfit of a head priestess.

Her personality balances an astute intellect with playful mischief and subtle cunning. As an immortal who has lived through major events over centuries, she maintains a detached perspective of human affairs.

Based on dialogues and lore, I believe Yae Miko‘s age and life experiences contribute greatly to her enigmatic and elegant disposition as seen when interacting with mortals.

Her longevity grants familiarity with archons like Raiden and Zhongli while maintaining wit and curiosity towards new things like light novels.

Speculation on Yae Miko‘s Future

As an immortal kitsune, Yae Miko may continue to play a pivotal role guiding Inazuma given her wisdom and ties with Raiden Shogun for potentially multiple millennia if Genshin Impact‘s lore continues evolving.

I speculate she holds many still-untold secrets about Teyvat‘s distant past, kitsune lineage, previous archons and might be key to understanding unfolding events as the Traveler‘s journey progresses.

With her proclivity for light novels as seen in the Irodori festival, I hope to see her publish popular fiction going viral across Teyvat!

Those are my thoughts on piecing together clues about the enigmatic Yae Miko‘s age and origins. As someone invested deeply into Genshin Impact‘s lore, I find her character intriguing and look forward to potential storylines revealing more of her hidden depths as an immortal kitsune priestess!

Let me know what you think about Yae Miko in the comments section below! Do you have any interesting insights or theories to share?

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