How old was Arthur Morgan‘s son Isaac when he tragically died?

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Isaac Morgan, Arthur‘s beloved son, was just 10 years old when he was sadly killed in a robbery in 1886.

As hardcore Red Dead Redemption fans know all too well, protagonist Arthur Morgan leads a dangerous life running with Dutch van der Linde‘s infamous outlaw gang. However, years before the events of RDR2, Arthur managed to find a little slice of happiness when he fell in love with a young waitress named Eliza and had a son named Isaac with her.

Heartbreakingly, though, little Isaac would only get to be 10 years old before his life was cut tragically short. Let‘s take a deeper look at the story of Arthur‘s son Isaac and the tragedy that befell this RDR2 character far too soon…

When Did Arthur Have Isaac and Start His Family?

Based on references made in RDR2 dialogue and Arthur‘s journal, many fans speculate Isaac was likely born when Arthur was around 18 or 19 years old – probably in 1882.

That lines up well when accounting for Isaac‘s age. If he was 10 when he died in 1886, that means he would have been born around 1876 when Arthur was a young man still riding with Dutch‘s gang.

Interestingly, that also means beloved RDR2 protagonist Arthur Morgan would only be in his mid-30‘s when the events of the game kick off in 1899. Having his son Isaac so young certainly lends more tragedy and depth to Arthur‘s character.

Piecing Together Memories of Arthur‘s Brief Family

Longtime fans know that Arthur doesn‘t often speak openly about his son Isaac or what became of him and his mother, Eliza. However, throughout RDR2, Arthur‘s journal reveals small snippets that ultimately disclose the tragic fate in store for his lover and child.

Early journal entries indicate that for some time, Arthur managed to split his duties riding with Dutch‘s gang and having a family with Eliza and supporting them however meagerly with money when he could.

"I went back to see Eliza and the boy. I still loved them in some way, despite all my promises of leaving them be…" one journal passage reads.

It seems Arthur knew deep down that his dangerous outlaw lifestyle put them at risk, yet he couldn‘t stay away from Eliza and Isaac completely either.

The Tragedy Revealed – How Did Arthur‘s Son Isaac Die?

Perhaps the most heartbreaking journal passage comes later, when Arthur somberly recounts:

"I went back to Blackwater to check on Eliza and Isaac, only to find them both dead – murdered for a petty robbery. My boy and his mother – both gone at the age of 10."

So after at best a few short years together as a family, little Isaac Morgan‘s life was tragically cut short at just 10 years old when he and Eliza were killed in a robbery gone wrong back in 1886.

Just imagining Arthur returning to find the bloody aftermath of this senseless crime that stole his son‘s future is utterly gut-wrenching.

How Did Losing Isaac Impact Arthur Morgan in RDR2?

Losing his family so violently clearly left lasting scars on Arthur‘s psyche. In later RDR2 dialogue, Arthur admits how losing them made him an even more unhinged bandit running with Dutch, often drunk and violent as he tried coping with the grief and guilt.

This lurking despair over his inability to protect his loved ones adds an incredibly tragic undercurrent to Arthur‘s quest for redemption before his tuberculosis takes him too.

And given that Isaac would still only be a young teen in 1899, Arthur surely often wonders how things could have gone differently had he lived.

Perhaps the biggest indication of how much Isaac meant to Arthur are moments where looking at John Marston‘s son Jack seem to stir bittersweet memories of his loss.

Jack Marston embodies the childhood and second chance at fatherhood that cruel fate stole from Arthur…making his playable epilogue where John does what Arthur couldn‘t for Isaac – give his son a better life safely away from the outlaw fray – all the more poignant.

Conclusion: Far Too Short a Life for Arthur Morgan‘s Son

In the end, little Isaac Morgan‘s death after just 10 short years only compounds the tragedy that permeates Arthur‘s entire arc in RDR2. This loss molded him just as much as Dutch and Hosea taking him under their wings years before.

Knowing Arthur missed seeing the fine man his son could have become makes rooting for his redemption before tuberculosis claims him too all the more poignant. For who knows what greatness Isaac himself might have achieved had he lived longer too…

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