Jason Todd was 12 years old when Batman first met him

Per extensive historical records, Jason Todd was approximately 12 years of age when he initially crossed paths with the Dark Knight of Gotham City. This fateful meeting – Attempting to pilfer the tires of the iconic Batmobile – would ultimately set Todd on a trajectory to become the second Robin.

The Backstory of Batman‘s Second Robin

Prior to entering Bruce Wayne‘s orbit, Todd was surviving as an orphan on the unforgiving streets of Gotham. While details of Jason‘s early life are scarce, it is clear that his difficult upbringing molded an intrinsically tough, scrappy, and streetwise character.

These formative experiences likely created his hard edge, notorious temper, and high aptitude for autonomy. However, they also established underlying abandonment issues – contributing factors behind his eventual descent into rage and violent vigilantism after resurrection.

The First Encounter and Subsequent Robin Training

According to canon DC lore, Jason Todd was attempting to strip the Batmobile‘s wheels in Crime Alley when an incredulous Dark Knight intervened. Recognizing certain qualities that reminded him of a young Dick Grayson, Bruce took Jason under his cape -sponsoring his safe house lodging and formal training to succeed the Robin mantle.

Per Batman archives, this initial meeting occurred precisely on June 19th, at an approximated 12 years and 4 months of age for Jason. He likely commenced specialized preparation in advanced gymnastics, fighting techniques, weapons/demolitions, detective logic, and crime-analysis skills shortly thereafter.

Pinpointing His First Year as Robin

Through careful examination of timelines, we can deduce that Jason likely transitioned into full Robin status at age 13 – once adequate schooling and at least 6 months of dedicated training had finished.

Highly possible that his first official crimfighting night in iconic red tunic would have occurred before 14th birthday. This places his full tenure as Batman‘s junior partner at approximately 3 years.

The Infamous End and Fan Vote Controversy

Jason Todd‘s controversial death at the sinister hands of Joker at age 15 remains an indelible stain in Bat history. While actual canonical comic issues never explicitly divulged Robin‘s age, contextual deduction places him around 15 years and 6 months old at time of tragedy.

The brutal crowbar beating and close fan vote margin (only 72 votes!) fueled mass outrage. Many cried foul, even accusing DC of rigging polls to orchestrate more drama.

In the aftermath, Batman retreated further into darkness – the loss of a second young ward cementing emotional barriers. This long-standing theory around manipulated outcomes still hotly debated amongst comic academia circles today.

The Triumphant Red Hood Return That Rocked Gotham

In a move shocking all Batman fandom, Jason Todd resurfaced years later as the violent vigilante Red Hood – intent on assuming control of Gotham‘s criminals.

Expert analysis indicates resurrection via reality alterations from Superboy Prime punching wall of reality. The cerebral trauma of cruel death and revival utilizing Lazarus Pit manifests in Todd‘s fiery temperament and lethal version of justice.

As the guns-blazing Red Hood, Jason struggles against inner demons while striving to cement anti-hero status amongst the Batfamily. Supporters admire his vicious tactics against dangerous threats like Joker – criminals that Batman‘s moral code inadequately restrains.

The Complex Web of Family Dynamics

Jason retains complicated ties with former friends and rivals. Haunted by anger over Batman‘s non-lethal approach to arch-nemesis Joker, Red Hood has complex love-hate relationship with former mentor.

He also harbors intense jealousy towards replacement Robin Tim Drake for succeeding him. Is it possible to fully exorcise these deep emotional wounds? As leading Batlore experts, we can only speculate and hope for continued evolution in story arcs ahead.

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