Joel was around 57 years old at the time of his death

Joel Miller, the rugged protagonist of the critically-acclaimed video game series The Last of Us, was around 57 years old when he was brutally murdered by Abby during the events of The Last of Us Part II. This shockingly violent act served as the impetus for the second game‘s narrative of hate, revenge, and the moral ambiguities of retribution.

Joel‘s Early Life

Born in September of 1983 to an unnamed father, Joel grew up in Texas with his younger brother Tommy. The brothers endured a difficult childhood as Joel has hinted at an abusive father. However, Joel found purpose when his daughter Sarah was born when he was just 16 or 17 years old. Raising Sarah as a single father, it seemed Joel was determined to provide her a life full of joy and possibility.

Outbreak Day

On September 26, 2013, the cordyceps brain infection that sparking the apocalyptic events of The Last of Us broke out across the world. This date also happened to be Joel‘s 30th birthday. As the catastrophic outbreak spread, Joel, Tommy and Sarah attempted to flee to safety but were confronted by soldiers executing civilians. Sarah was tragically shot and killed, dying in her father‘s arms and leaving Joel bereft and broken.

YearJoel‘s AgeKey Life Events
1983BornJoel is born in Texas
1999-200016 or 17Joel‘s daughter Sarah is born
201330 years oldOutbreak Day – Sarah is killed

Surviving the Apocalypse

In the 20 years following the virus outbreak that decimated civilization, Joel did whatever it took to endure in the post-apocalyptic landscape, including resorting to hunting, killing and pillaging. Somewhere during this period, his brother Tommy left him to join the Fireflies resistance movement. The trauma of Sarah‘s death left Joel hardened, cynical and wary of attachment.

The Last of Us (2033)

Two decades after the cordcyeps pandemic, Joel lives in the Boston quarantine zone eking out a smuggler‘s existence with his partner Tess. In 2033, Joel agrees to smuggle 14-year-old Ellie across the country to the Fireflies faction. This act redeems Joel as he comes to care for Ellie over the course of their journey, seeing her as the daughter he lost.

During this cross-country trek spanning Spring to Fall of 2033, Joel is portrayed as a ruthless killer in his late forties – likely around 48 or 49 years old. By the end of the first game, Joel has found renewed purpose in protecting Ellie, even condemning humanity to doom in order to save her.

YearJoel‘s AgeKey Life Events
2033Around 49 years oldEvents of The Last of Us

Peacetime in Jackson County (2034-2038)

Following the events of The Last of Us, Joel and Ellie establish a relatively peaceful life within a thriving survivor community in Jackson County, Wyoming, alongside his brother Tommy. For nearly 5 years, Joel experience a period of domestic calm and stability, forging a loving father-daughter relationship with Ellie. He finds comfort in this quiet life after so many years suffering tremendous pain and loss.

Tragically, this period of peace only makes the events about to unfold more agonizing…

YearJoel‘s AgeKey Life Events
2034-203851 to 57 years oldLives in Jackson with Ellie

The Last of Us Part II (2038)

In early 2038, an encounter with the Seraphites religious faction leads to Joel being recognized by Abby, who blames him for her father‘s death. In a physically brutal and emotionally scarring sequence, Abby beats an unarmed Joel to death using a golf club as Ellie watches helplessly. Joel‘s head is completely pulverized in front of a screaming Ellie‘s eyes…he is murdered at approximately 57 years of age.

This gruesome death of the respected father figure that fans loved and identified with caused intense anguish and resentment. It also fuels Ellie‘s raging obsession with avenging Joel by killing his murderer Abby over the course of Part II. By the game‘s conclusion, the cycle of violence appears doomed to continue.

YearJoel‘s AgeKey Life Events
2038Around 57 years oldBrutally murdered by Abby

For players, experiencing the vicious death of Joel after growing deeply invested in his relationship with Ellie over years of gameplay elicited passionate dismay. However, the provocative narrative choice forces audiences to confront their own empathy as Ellie descends into darkness while pursuing Abby.


In the end, Joel Miller meets his shocking demise at approximately 57 years of age in one of gaming‘s most emotionally traumatizing moments. His violent death launches the complex moral web of The Last of Us Part II while leaving players devastated by the loss of a beloved character. Yet Joel‘s poignant redemption arc ensures his legacy lives on as a symbol of paternal devotion against incomprehensible odds – a broken man ultimately redeemed by sacrificial love.

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