Unraveling the Mystery – How Old Was the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda?

As a long-time fan who has analyzed every bit of Devil May Cry lore out there, I‘ve done some deep digging to try and determine the age of the iconic demon warrior Sparda.

Let‘s start at the beginning – we know for certain that Sparda is at minimum over 2000 years old, given he defeated the demon emperor Mundus and sealed the demon world from the human world at least that long ago.

[insert chart showing "Over 2000 years ago" marker]

After this legendary feat, Sparda stayed in the human world, specifically in the isolated holy island of Fortuna. There he established a kingdom and was worshipped as a god for as I estimate based on various lore examinations at least a few hundred years.

[insert visual depicting Sparda ruling ancient Fortuna kingdom]

So by this point, conservative estimates would put Sparda at around 2200-2500 years old at least. However, that‘s when things get really interesting regarding the next major known event in Sparda‘s long history – his relationship with a human woman named Eva, with whom he fathered his twin sons Dante and Vergil.

Unfortunately the specifics around when exactly this occurred are sparse…
[theorize about circumstances of Sparda meeting Eva here]

What we do know from the tragedy that befell the happy family is that when Dante and Vergil were still relatively young – the equivalent of 25-30 years old in human ages – a horde of demons separate from the sealed-off underworld attacked, killing Eva and sparking the twins‘ quests to uncover their roots.

[insert data table showing Dante & Vergil‘s speculated human age equivalencies]

Now this is where I have my own theory about Sparda‘s potential age. We know Dante as of the latest game Devil May Cry 5 is around 40-45 years old. Going back from there, if Eva died over 20 years ago, and the twins were roughly 30 at that point, that would make Sparda over 2500 years old at his time of disappearance/death minimum.

Of course, we don‘t have clear details on when exactly Sparda vanished from history after the tragedy…it may have only been a short time after, or it could potentially have been much later!

In summary – stitching together the snippets across various Devil May Cry lore sources, games, and materials, the legendary dark knight Sparda was certainly over 2000 years old, ruled as a godly savior over humankind for at least a few centuries, before siring twin sons we now to know to have aged around 40-45 years currently, putting Sparda‘s days to an end around 2500+ years old minimum! We may never know exactly how long those years lasted – but his enduring legend still fuels fans like us today!

Let me know what you think of my historical analysis on this iconic gaming figure – comment with your perspectives on these estimations as well!

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