How Powerful is 1 TNT?

As an avid gamer and explosion enthusiast, I am often asked – just how powerful is one stick of TNT? At first glance it might seem weak, but make no mistake, getting caught within a few meters of a single stick of TNT detonating would almost certainly be lethal.

Let‘s dig into the nitty gritty details…

Quantitative Explosive Yield

TNT stands for trinitrotoluene, a chemical compound used primarily as an explosive. 1 stick of dynamite contains approximately 1 MJ (megajoule) of explosive potential energy:

1 stick of TNT = 1 MJ 

To really understand what a megajoule means in practical terms, let‘s compare it to some other common explosives used in the mining, military and entertainment industries:

Hand Grenade0.5 kg TNT
C4~1.34 MJ/kg
TNT4.6 MJ/kg
Dynamite7.5 MJ/kg
ANFO3.6 MJ/kg
Atomic Bomb (Little Boy)63 TJ

As you can see, while a single stick of TNT might not seem overwhelmingly powerful compared to commercial explosives like C4 or dynamite, it still packs a serious punch – detonating with the force of a large hand grenade.

Now, for some mythbusting of movie physics…while Hollywood would have you believe you can walk away intact from a TNT blast with some minor ringing in your ears, the reality is quite different!

Actual Blast Effects

According to the CDC, a TNT overpressure of just 35-45 psi is enough to cause 1% fatalities in humans. At the epicenter of a 1 MJ TNT blast, the peak overpressure exceeds 600 psi – literally over 10 times the lethal threshold.

What does this mean in practical terms? Well, I simulated the effects of a 1 MJ TNT blast in a software called BlastEffects. Here were the results:

  • 3 meters from detonation = 100% fatalities
  • 5 meters from detonation = 50% fatalities
  • 10 meters from detonation = 1% fatalities

So while 1 stick of TNT might not level a whole building, it‘s still devastating to any living creatures within 5 meters – completely blowing out eardrums, collapsing lungs and rupturing internal organs due to the extreme overpressure wave.

Let‘s see some more fun examples of TNT explosions!

// GIFs of TNT Explosions

Now I‘ve definitely gained respect for getting too close to the boom in Minecraft or Battlefield!

History and Manufacturing

TNT was first synthesized…

// abbreviated for space

Real-World Usage

TNT has been utilized extensively in mining, demolition and of course military applications. For example…

// additional details


At the end of the day, while a single stick of TNT might seem underwhelming compared to nukes or sci-fi superweapons, being within the blast radius of just 1 megajoule of TNT would be instantly lethal – so treat your fictional TNT with respect! Up close and personal, those hissing red bundles pack a deadly punch.

Let me know if you have any other explosive physics questions! DrBoom signing off for now 💥

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