How Powerful is El Diablo?

As a passionate gamer and DC fan, I am always eager to analyze the abilities of iconic characters like El Diablo. When transformed into his blazing avatar form, he possesses tremendous superhuman physical abilities along with mastery over mystical hellfire. Based on his varied portrayals, I would rank his overall power level at 8.5 out of 10.

Physical Capabilities

In his 9-10 foot tall demonic avatar form, El Diablo has exceptional superhuman strength, allowing him to lift well over 5 tons with ease. His blows have enough force to send armored vehicles flying. According to director David Ayer, El Diablo has strength rivalling Wonder Woman.

He also has tremendous durability – his avatar form can withstand anti-tank weaponry, falls from heights, and blows from other metahumans without any injury. This likely stems from his flames magically reinforcing his body.

In addition, El Diablo is surprisingly swift, capable of running at 50 mph despite his hulking frame. His reflexes and agility also seem enhanced as he can quickly dodge gunfire and catch RPGs mid-flight with his bare hands.


Of course, El Diablo‘s most prominent ability is his mastery over mystic fire, granting him powerful pyrokinetic abilities:

  • Hellfire Projection – He can shoot scorching fireballs from his hands capable of instantly incinerating humans. He can also unleash waves of flame covering over 50 feet.
  • Hellfire Constructs – El Diablo can mold his flames into fiery weapons, demons, binding chains etc. The constructs have physical form, allowing him to grab targets.
  • Heat Intensity – His flames can reach temperatures exceeding 2000°F. This allows him to easily melt through metal, turn people to ash etc.
  • Tactile Ignition – He can ignite targets simply through touch, causing them to be immolated in hellish flames.
  • Fire Immunity – El Diablo exhibits complete immunity to heat and fire.

He has fine control over his pyrokinesis, allowing him to carefully manipulate the intensity. At full power, he living cataclysm leaving nothing but scorched devastation in his wake.

Spectral Powers

El Diablo also displays some mystical abilities tied to the spirit realm:

  • Spirit Summoning – He can open fiery portals to call forth spirits of the dead for tactical assistance.
  • Soul Reading – According to El Diablo, he can see the souls of people and perceive if they are good or evil based on the color.

While limited, these spectral abilities do give him an edge in certain situations.


Of course, El Diablo isn‘t invincible. His main weakness is that his fire powers can be temporarily negated if he gets doused in water or liquids. He also struggles against mystical opponents like the Enchantress who can counter his abilities.

In terms of destructive capability, I would place him near the power level of early comic Doomsday. When going all out, he is certainly a threat warranting the Justice League‘s attention. But he isn‘t quite on the level of taking on top-tiers like Superman.

So in summary – when El Diablo transforms into his blazing demonic form, he becomes a juggernaut with hellfire abilities able to raze down entire city blocks. Backed by his mystical nature, I would rank his overall power level at 8.5 out of 10. He is more than capable of giving most DC heroes quite the challenge!

Let me know what other iconic characters you‘d to see analyzed in the comments!

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