How rare is cephalops?

As an avid Loomian Legacy player and content creator, I get many questions about Cephalops‘ rarity and value. This Dark/Water type Loomian remains one of the most sought after, in part due to some very impressive base stats and great competitive potential.

In this guide, we‘ll analyze all things Cephalops – stats, moves, encounter rates, deman, and more! Gotta catch ‘em all, right?

Cephalops Base Stats and Movepool

Let‘s start by looking at why people want this awesome anglerfish in the first place!

StatBaseEffort PointsTotal
Melee Attack110200310
Melee Defense60200260
Ranged Attack45045
Ranged Defense455095

With fantastic HP, strong melee attack, and decent speed, Cephalops can dish out serious damage. It has great synergy with moves like Chomp, Night Slash, Aqua Jaws, and Rejuvenate.

I predict most competitive movesets utilizing STAB Chomp/Aqua Jaws, Night Slash for coverage, with Rejuvenate to stay healthy or even a set-up move like Coil. Combined with the Water and Dark typings, Cephalops poses an offensive threat.

Evolutions and Typings

Cephalops remains a stand-alone Loomian rather than having any evolutions. As a Water/Dark type, it resists other Dark types well, while also covering its Water weakness. Some noteworthy strengths and weaknesses:

4x resistant to: Ghost, Psychic
2x resistant to: Dark, Ice, Water
2x weak to: Bug, Fairy, Fighting

Solid neutral coverage means Cephalops doesn‘t have many glaring weaknesses. It needs to watch out for Fighting and Fairies, as well as the odd Thunder and Energy Beam. But that fantastic HP stat gives it plenty of room to set up and sweep.

Encounter Data and Rarity

So you want the precious? Let‘s break down the grueling odds!

In the wild, Cephalops appears in Deeplake Tomb with the following base encounter rates:

Normal1 in 1000
Alpha1 in 8000 (1/4 alpha rate)
Gamma1 in 65,536,000 (1/32k gamma rate)

As you can see, gamma Cephalops is stupidly rare. During events, we‘ve seen stuff like the Alpha Halloween Cephalops released at 1/1024 odds.

Compared to something like the Roaming Rusturtles recently seen at 1/4k, Cephalops is a tier above when considering how rarely that gamma gleaming rolls around!

Trading Value and Demand

With awesome stats, great design, and crazy low odds for special variants, Cephalops remains highly coveted. Traders go nuts anytime someone actually nabs one of those super rare gleamings.

Based on activity in trading Discord channels and conversations with prominent Loomian merch sellers, here is a summary of perceived value over the past 6 months:

VariantValue TrendCurrent Estimate
AlphaSlight increase~2 GR
GammaLarge increase> 100 GR
HalloweenSteady high demand~10-15 GR

I expect Gamma Cephalops to continue appreciating due to extreme supply constraints. The demand for unique halloween skins also remains consistent during the lead up to October events.

While most players likely feel unlucky seeing that 1k baseline encounter rate, hopefully this gives some additional context around why Cephalops stands in a tier of its own!

Let me know if you have any other questions about this awesome Water/Dark legendary. Cheers and good luck on your Cephalops adventures!

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