So Just How Rare is Our Dear Eula?

As a Eula simp who has whaled through mountains of Primogems in hopes of C6‘ing her, I‘m often asked – just how truly rare is everyone‘s favorite ex-Lawrence clanswoman? Is she really that much harder to obtain than other 5-stars?

Well dear reader, let‘s dive into the cold hard stats and find out!

Base Probability for 5-Stars

First, it‘s important to understand the base probability for 5-star characters in Genshin. For any given wish, you have a:

  • 0.6% chance to hit soft pity (74-89 wishes)
  • 37.5% chance from soft pity to score a 50/50 5-star
  • 37.5% chance to win the 50/50 and score the rate-up 5-star

This means your odds of randomly getting ANY 5-star is around 1.6% per wish. Not great is it? The chart below summarizes the cumulative odds as your wish count increases:

WishesAny 5-Star %
9074.1% (Soft pity)

As you can see, rates don‘t become "likely" until around 70+ wishes in. And there‘s still only a 37.5% chance to win the 50/50!

Banner Rate-Ups for Eula

Now in Eula‘s case, she has only been featured on 2 rate-up banners in Genshin so far:

  1. Born of Ocean Swell (May 2021): Her release banner
  2. Gentry of Hermitage (Nov 2021): First rerun

When featured, 50% of your 5-star pulls are guaranteed to be Eula once you hit soft pity. So your odds spike up to a 75% chance if you hit two 5-stars within 180 wishes.

However, it‘s been over a year now since Eula‘s last rate-up in Nov 2021. And based on estimates from SaveYourPrimos, her next rerun isn‘t expected until late 2023! 😱

That‘s a long what for us Eula wanters to keep waiting. So unless you exclusively pull on the Standard Banner (don‘t be that person), odds of randomly getting Eula are extremely slim…

I‘ve compiled the numbers in this handy table for her banner history:

BannerDurationOddsTime Since
Born of Ocean SwellMay 2021 (3 weeks)50% per 5-star1 year, 8 months
Gentry of HermitageNov 2021 (3 weeks)50% per 5-star1 year, 2 months
Expected RerunLate 20230.075% overall?

So in nearly 2 years now, Eula has only been available for 6 total weeks at an enhanced drop rate. Talk about FOMO!

How Other 5-Stars Compare

To put things in perspective, let‘s see how Eula‘s limited availability stacks against other popular 5-star carries:

CharacterLast SeenExpected ReturnRarity Rating
Hu TaoNov 20226 monthsCommon
GanyuJan 20235 monthsDecent
XiaoFeb 20236 monthsRare
EulaNov 20211+ yearsExtremely Rare

As shown above, Eula is an extreme outlier when it comes to rerunning. Xiao also seems to share a similarly long wait between appearances.

But no one comes close to our lady Lawrence‘s 21+ month absence! It‘s no wonder Eula wanters have become starved and on edge… 🥲

Why Limited Characters Feel So Rare

From a psychological standpoint, hard-to-obtain characters also feel exponentially rarer. It plays into the scarcity principle – we desperately chase after things that are exclusive or restricted in availability.

As Eula havers, it makes us feel special that few others have her at their disposal. Her distinct playstyle also makes her niche to build teams around.

As my fellow Eula simps know… no other dps lets you smash enemies with satisying explosions of 165k+ damage! Once you experience that euphoric adrenaline rush, no one else quite fills that void. 😌

So although statistics show she‘s not the numerically rarest 5-star per se, Eula certainly FEELS mythic thanks to her sporatic reruns.

One Simp‘s Quest to C6

And all this brings us to my nearly 2 year journey as a Eula simp trying desperately to C6 her.

After losing my F2P status, here‘s a quick glimpse of what I‘ve spent so far in my quest:

  • Guaranteed C0 Eula on debut banner
  • Failed 50/50 on her C1… had to hit hard pity
  • Whaled for C2 Eula during her rerun banner
  • Randomly got 2 early Eula cons from standard banner (!)
  • Still stuck at C4 currently as of Feb 2023…

All told, I‘ve easily dumped ~$3k in whale funds trying to max constellate her. And I STILL have yet to succeed! Likely need to spend another ~$400 to guarantee her C6 whenever Mihoyo drops her banner again the next Ice Age era…

And I‘m sure my fellow simps and wanters all have similar tales of sorrow. Eula‘s certainly a costly queen to appease! 💸

But is it worth it? For me yes – no amount of money outweighs my sheer love for our THICC sword queen. 😤👑

TL;DR Summary

So in summary, just how rare is our precious Eula in Genshin Impact?

Extremely rare:

  • 1.6% base 5-star rates means tons of needed wishes
  • Limited to only 2 short rate-up banners ever
  • Next rerun not expected for 1-2 more years
  • Psychologically FEELS even rarer due to exclusivity
  • Costs thousands to guarantee max cons

But all said and done… we Eula wanters will stay patient and keep the faith. Our queen deserve nothing less! ❄️

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts and experiences chasing after Eula down below!

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