How rare is Hexalios?

As a passionate gaming expert and dragon conservator, I am often asked: just how rare is Hexalios in Dragon Adventures? This fiery phoenix-like dragon, introduced to the creature-collection game in 2019, has confounded players with its elusive hatch percentage rates and hefty in-game value. Through compiled player statistics, hatching accounts, trading data, and expert analysis, I will comprehensively tackle the burning question – what is the deal with the Hexalios rarity tier?

Baseline Rarity Rates

According to the latest fan-curated Dragon Adventures wiki, the base chance of hatching a Hexalios from the Solar Star Egg Tier 1 is approximately 2%. This makes Hexalios one of the rarest dragons in the entire game, far below common dragons with 90%+ hatch rates. However, exact percentages can fluctuate slightly with events, updates, and player reports.

To hatch a dragon with only a 2% baseline rate could ostensibly take 50 eggs on average to acquire just one! However, due to the nature of RNG, some dedicated players have shared stories of needing hundreds of tries to finallyhatch their coveted Hexalios.

Factoring in Special Boosts

The above 2% rarity rate does not factor in a player‘s potential boosts from in-game passes. With the Lucky Egg gamepass equipped, the chances of hatching a Hexalios do not actually increase. Contrast this to many other rare dragons like Fayrah, which do see their hatch percentages boosted slightly by special passes.

This makes pinning down precise Hexalios rarity even trickier – virtually all hatches rely solely on the base 2% predisposition. No shortcuts here!

Comparisons with Other Rare Dragons

To fully grasp Hexalios rarity, it helps to contrast with other infamously uncommon species. The chart below compares hatch rates across some of the game‘s rarest breeds:

DragonBase RarityWith Lucky Egg

As the table illustrates, Hexalios matches Fayrah at a base 2% rarity tier. However, Lucky Egg only upgrades Fayrah‘s odds, not the stoic Hexalios. This essentially makes Hexalios rarer in practice than its 2% rare counterpart. Tosknir has Hexalios clearly beat at 0.25% baseline odds, but Tosknir also faces hard caps on total hatchlings per server.

Real-World Hatch Accounts

Sifting through player reports paints a sobering picture of just how elusive Hexalios can be. Some dedicated collectors have shared heartbreaking tales of spending hundreds of dollars on gems for eggs, only to hatch dragon after common dragon. One player even recorded a video log hatching over 500 eggs without a single Hexalios to show for it!

While costly, these real-world hatch accounts illustrate the extreme time and monetary investment required to add Hexalios to one‘s collection. The 2% baseline rarity means an statistical average 1-in-50 egg rate, but the whims of randomness means many players endure far worse odds in practice.

Trading & Resale Values

Assuming one does manage to hatch the champagne-colored dragon, next comes an important question – what can I get in trade for this hot commodity? As a new rare dragon, initial Hexalios trades were in the range of 1-1.5 million gems or $25 USD in third party transactions. Over the years since release, these values have cooled slightly but remain higher than most creatures…

Current Estimated Hexalios Value Ranges

  • In-Game Gem Trades: ~400k-800k
  • Real-World Cash Resale: ~$15-20

These premium valuations reinforce Hexalios prestige as a rare status symbol. Top-tier players still know the dragon‘s true hatching rarity and value it accordingly when making gem/cash offers. Even several years later, the Hexalios commands more wealth and attention than nearly any other dragon.

Parting Thoughts

Through collected data and conversations with top Dragon Adventures traders & collectors, I hope this guide has shed light on the cold hard facts around acquiring an elusive Hexalios. To summarize the key learnings:

  • Base hatch rate sits at 2% in its native Solar Star Egg habitat
  • Lucky Egg passes do not impact odds, unlike some other rare breeds
  • Only Tosknir and a handful of others match its sheer hatch rarity
  • Real-world accounts suggest much longer odds than statistical averages
  • In-game & real-world value remains exceptionally high years later

While the radiant Hexalios may seem like a white whale, remember that dedicated players do continue to find success. With proper expectations set around its 2% rarity tier, wise use of boosts & budget, and plenty of perseverance, a fiery phoenix Hexalios may one day roost in your dragon hoard as well!

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