Shiny Applin Has a Rarity of 1 in 4096 – Here‘s Why You Should Hunt This Elusive Shiny

As a passionate Pokémon gamer and content creator, I am continuously scouring releases old and new for unique shinies to hunt. And Applin, the Grass/Dragon-type introduced in Gen 8, has one of the most striking and rare shiny forms out there.

What Determines a Shiny Pokémon‘s Rarity?

Every Pokémon has base shiny odds set by the games they appear in. For most modern games since X/Y, this base rate is 1 in 4096 – meaning you have a 0.02% chance of a random wild encounter being shiny.

Some factors can improve your chances:

  • Shiny Charm – Item granting a boost between 3x to 8x depending on method
  • Mass Outbreaks – Special spawned clusters with a 1 in 158 shiny rate
  • Masuda Method – Breeding two Applin from games in different languages for a 1 in 512 chance (+ charm)

But even with these methods, Applin‘s shiny rate remains challenging compared to more common shinies like Magikarp at a boosted 1 in 170 in Legends Arceus.

Base (Gen 6+)1 in 4096
Shiny Charm~1 in 2048
Outbreak1 in 158
Masuda + Charm1 in 512

Where To Find and Hunt Shiny Applin

Applin resides in the Glimwood Tangle and Route 5 in Pokémon Sword and Shield. Specifically:

  • Overworld spawn – Randomly appears in grass with a 10% chance
  • Purple beams – Indicating rarer spawns during Mass Outbreaks

Make sure to utilize boosts:

  • Activate Mass Outbreaks when they occur
  • Equip the Shiny Charm once obtained

Outbreaks offer the best odds. I recommend using smoke bombs to reset spawns quickly during these events.

Analysing Shiny Applin‘s Vibrant New Palette

Shiny Applin sees a striking overhaul from its usual green:

  • Pinkish-red main body/head
  • Light blue stem and leaves

This color change better reflects its origins as the "Core Apple Pokémon". Now its shiny palette resembles a real-life red apple with green stems/leaves even more.

The new contrasting colors also complement its unusual Dragon/Grass mix of types – a rare combination already making Applin stand out.

Why You Should Hunt This Elusive Shiny

Beyond the reward of overcoming 1 in 4096 odds, Shiny Applin has unique appeal:

  • Galar-exclusive Pokémon – only found in Gen 8 games
  • Evolves into 2 powerful dragon variants
  • Matches lore as the "Core Apple Pokémon"
  • Vibrant color change that pops in battle

For collectors and completionist trainers, getting this specific form also enables owning every variation of this monster family within Pokémon Sword and Shield alone.

Having personally sunk hundreds of hours into Applin outbreaks to finally add Shiny Applin to my squad, I assure you the journey is well worth it to obtain this coveted shiny. Just be sure to persist and come prepared!

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